- Mon, 12:26: Update: Now with official confirmation! @ JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters #MarvelsRunaways @ marvelsrunaways @ hulu… https://t.co/eRxOLSKqgT
- Mon, 13:14: James Marsters News+ My tweets: Did @ JamesMarstersOf really just drop that bombshell?! Holy crap he did!! Season 3… https://t.co/YuwF3s4sQk
- Mon, 15:11: RT @ jeanbugc: Asked @ JamesMarstersOf to do another Dresden character video for me... This time he is Thomas speaking with his French accent…
- Mon, 15:12: RT @ alydenisof: Thanks for all the Birthday wishes!!! I had a wonderful day celebrating my (as of today) 10 year old daughters birthday as…
- Mon, 18:57: ICYMI @ lex_con | #Buffy the Vampire Slayer #LexCon2019 Complete Q&A Panel Video @ JamesMarstersOf @ emmacaulfield… https://t.co/WRgfYozRTE
- Mon, 19:41: ICYMI @ JamesMarstersOf announced Marvel's Runaways is picked up for a third season! Which has now been official con… https://t.co/lR9iAALV9P
- Tue, 06:43: @ SouthernWaid Give BuddyJames a big birthday hug from me! ♥♥♥
- Tue, 06:47: RT @ bigfinish: Coming January 2020, it's Time Agent vs Time Agent! Captain John is united with Captain Jack in ' #Torchwood: The Sins of C…
- Tue, 07:23: RT @ shawnastar252: Best jacket...
- Tue, 07:27: RT @ ComicBook: The stars and producers of #CloakAndDagger are pulling for that #Runaways crossover just as hard as you are: https://t.co/29…
Update: Now with official confirmation!
@JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters #MarvelsRunaways @marvelsrunaways @hulu https://t.co/ZRAMPFI3Xw https://t.co/pR1t3aBSJD- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
March 25, 2019 ICYMI
@JamesMarstersOf announced Marvel's Runaways is picked up for a third season! Which has now been official confirmed!
@marvelsrunaways #JamesMarsters @hulu @Runaways_Fans #MarvelsRunaways #Season3 @lex_con https://t.co/X7zhhXIQMppic.twitter.com/8JW9rmNLmt- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
March 25, 2019 Coming January 2020, it's Time Agent vs Time Agent!
Captain John is united with Captain Jack in '
#Torchwood: The Sins of Captain John', due for release next year. Starring
@JamesMarstersOf and
@JohnBarrowman, it's the reunion of the year! ->
https://t.co/4FCdvJVJpa pic.twitter.com/R6t0npRcbF- Big Finish (@bigfinish)
March 25, 2019 Massive turnout of Buffy, Angel, Smallville, Dresden, and Supernatural fans in Lexington, KY! Great Cosplay and unforgettable BBQ! Thanks guys!
pic.twitter.com/O8KkwP7lDv- James Marsters (@JamesMarstersOf)
March 25, 2019