My tweets

Feb 24, 2019 12:00

More #JamesMarsters @ParisManga Twitter/Tumblr/YouTube+ Reports, Pics & Videos @JamesMarstersOf @AnthonySHead @amber_benson #PM27 #ParisManga
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) February 23, 2019

Via @GhostoftheRobot's IG story: "Robots Assembled!" @JamesMarstersOf @_su11ivan_ @charliedemars (video) #JamesMarsters #GhostoftheRobot
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) February 23, 2019

Katie! Yay! Sounding awesome! ☺
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) February 23, 2019

Sorry, I got my timezones wrong! You still have 22 hours to enter! My bad! Winner to be announced 8:00pm CEST! @JamesMarstersOf @CloudsCon #Buffy3 #OnceMoreWithFeeling
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) February 23, 2019

Several Whedonverse peeps pop up in this video, but if you're just looking for @JamesMarstersOf, he appears a couple minutes from the end (approx 14 minute mark): @WizardWorld Live from Portland!!! #WizardWorldPortland @ClareKramer @TheJamesLeary
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) February 23, 2019

Via @AllCharisma's IG story: Charisma shares a look at the @BuffyTVS reunion panel from her POV! @JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters #CharismaCarpenter @WizardWorld #WizardWorldPORTLAND #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #BuffyReunion
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) February 23, 2019

. @ClareKramer | Elevator kisses. 😘😘😘 #buffy @JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters @AllCharisma #CharismaCarpenter #ClareKramer #WizardWorldPortland @WizardWorld @BuffyTVS
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) February 23, 2019

Via @WizardWorld's IG: THANK YOU to Everyone who came to the BUFFY PANEL ❤️ #WizardWorldPortland @JamesMarstersOf @TheJamesLeary @juliebenz @amber_benson @ClareKramer @AllCharisma @AmyAcker @alydenisof @IyariLimon @NicholasBrendon @AlexisDenisof #Buffy
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) February 23, 2019

Via @ClareKramer's IG: mi familia. ❤️ #buffy @TheJamesLeary @amber_benson @juliebenz @AllCharisma @JamesMarstersOf @IyariLimon @alydenisof @AmyAcker @NicholasBrendon @AlexisDenisof @WizardWorld #WizardWorldPortland @BuffyTVS
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) February 23, 2019

Amazing video! Thanks so much for sharing! ♥♥♥ @JamesMarstersOf @alydenisof @AlexisDenisof @ClareKramer @AllCharisma @NicholasBrendon @AmyAcker @amber_benson @juliebenz @TheJamesLeary @IyariLimon RT @mauraloran Buffy!! #WizardWorldPORTLAND
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) February 24, 2019

#buffyreunion, cast: james marsters, event: cloudscon buffy 2019, cast: iyari limon, james marsters tweets/posts, #jamesmarsters, buffy comics, #charismacarpenter, cast: anthony stewart head, #parismanga, sullivan marsters, event: paris manga, #buffy3, #oncemorewithfeeling, #buffythevampireslayer, #pm27, cast: amy acker, #ghostoftherobot, twitter updates, event: lexington comic con, james marsters pics, #wizardworldportland, cast: nicholas brendon, cast: alexis denisof, #buffy, cast: clare kramer, #clarekramer, cast: charisma carpenter, ghost of the robot video, event: dublin comic con 2019, cast: juliet landau, competition/giveaway, tv: buffy, ghost of the robot, event: concert, james marsters video, twitter, cast: amber benson, crew: joss whedon, cast: james c leary, event: portland comic con, cast: alyson hannigan, tv: buffy pics

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