Jul 01, 2018 12:00
- Sat, 12:10: DKSC LiveJournal | My tweets: * Fri, 14:36: #ABRUPTIO has hit their green light amount!! But there's still time to… https://t.co/qxONoMmHHb
- Sat, 12:49: RT @ starfuryevents: The amazing @ juliebenz will be joining us at The Vampire Ball in December. Buffy & Angel fans know her as Darla, but s…
- Sat, 12:55: RT @ BuffyTVS: Heading to #SDCC18? Come join us and help defeat The Master during our first-ever Vampire Hunt on Saturday, July 21st! For mo…
- Sun, 10:06: RT @ SaintsnSpinners: This is a work in progress. #FandemicTour #BtVS #Angel cast reunion photo - so awesome. This is the unsigned digi vers…
- Sun, 10:10: RT @ StrictlyUncon: #JamesMarsters kick off #StrictlyUnconventional ‘s new video 😱 https://t.co/l74k3lKVTF https://t.co/NputzuIqsL
- Sun, 10:35: .@ SyfyWire | What #Buffy the Vampire Slayer can teach us about mental illness @ JamesMarstersOf @ SarahMGellar @ joss… https://t.co/VLqBUJXUnE
- Sun, 10:43: So I finished Season 2 of #LukeCage & my mind immediately went to Season 5 of #Angel. Anyone else have that thought… https://t.co/KKoZbmunX3
- Sun, 10:58: RT @ feliciaday: YOU GUYS!! We’ve raised over $103k for @ RAICESTEXAS! Thank you for the support and donations and spreading the word ❤️ We…
- Sun, 10:59: RT @ Camden_Toy: Hey Y'all, counting down, we are now only $375 away from our goal. What a ride! We couldn't have done it without all your k…
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event: fandemic tour sacramento 2018