- Tue, 14:03: DKSC LiveJournal | My tweets: * Mon, 13:42: * Sun, 12:20: .@ denofgeekus | Den of Geek Book Club Giveaway: Win a Com… https://t.co/zYNoOLhBOX
- Tue, 22:50: RT @ mindisablank: What better way to start the week than with 20% off? Make your #Monday happy, use code FLIP20 at https://t.co/NbjKGHcshE…
- Wed, 09:18: RT @ ChristianKane01: Hopefully see you guys this weekend at @ FandemicTour with my friends from #angel James Marsters and Charisma Carpenter…
- Wed, 09:18: RT @ ClareKramer: Woo-hoo! @ AllCharisma @ JamesMarstersOf @ FandemicTour Let's do this! #Buffy #Angel #Family https://t.co/FNJ1iA2mzs
- Wed, 09:32: .@ Peckapalooza | Rewatching #Buffy - Episode 72 "Who Are You?" @ JamesMarstersOf @ SarahMGellar @ ElizaDushku… https://t.co/vcsjBUZNOl
- Wed, 09:49: .@ hypable | Episode #269: #Buffy the Vampire Slayer/#Angel Wrap Up: Our Final Thoughts @ JamesMarstersOf… https://t.co/OoZ5on2OYn
- Wed, 10:34: RT @ Camden_Toy: We are only $880 away from our goal. We are still struggling to find a place. In the meantime, we have organized a packing…
- Wed, 11:20: Become an #ABRUPTIO Associate Producer! @ JamesMarstersOf https://t.co/364BxoVy1J
FYI: If you've already pledged but would like to increase your pledge, simply click 'Manage your pledge' & adjust as you'd like! You can also change your incentive (ie: the goodies you receive!) by doing the same!
#ABRUPTIO @JamesMarstersOf @KezF https://t.co/tZywA1GLSH pic.twitter.com/t6okh8tlIC- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
June 20, 2018