Jan 16, 2017 12:00
- Sun, 12:48: DKSC LiveJournal | My tweets: * Sat, 12:21: DKSC LiveJournal | My tweets: * Fri, 12:58: #FF…… https://t.co/tkIXjVsCji
- Sun, 12:58: Thanks for the recent follow @ marcelolobo @ Jillibeans1984 Welcome to the madhouse! 😜 Have a great Sunday. >> https://t.co/eIGBWHgJ8R
- Sun, 15:05: Thanks for the recent follow @ BottleBlondeGal @ Amaris_E_Art Welcome to the madhouse! 😜 Have a great Sunday. >> https://t.co/eIGBWHgJ8R
- Mon, 07:08: ♥♥♥ RT @ JamesMarstersOf Stringing guitars in the Delta on Wednesday, 10 hours before the levees failed. https://t.co/zJijM9rGrF
- Mon, 07:25: RT @ Christosgage: Buffy folks! Is there a list anywhere of spells used in the show? I found one but it's filtered through an RPG, looking f…
- Mon, 07:27: RT @ JasminMarsters1: Thank u tweeters 4 all the anniversary 💓! 12years , 6 long distance, 6 married. I thank God for my life every morning!…
- Mon, 07:33: FYI: For anyone else who was interested in that list of #Buffy spells, see the below. ☺ https://t.co/E7PA6JHVe6
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