@JamesMarstersOf 7:56 PM
Farewell Paris, until We meet again in March! You've spoiled me. Now off to Winnipeg. My carbon footprint is expands
pic.twitter.com/vm7RLfT4ZH Farewell Paris, until We meet again in March! You've spoiled me. Now off to Winnipeg. My carbon footprint is expands
pic.twitter.com/vm7RLfT4ZH- James Marsters (@JamesMarstersOf)
October 30, 2015 Farewell Paris, until We meet again in March! You've spoiled me. Now off to Winnipeg. My carbon footprint is expands...
https://twitter.com/jamesmarstersof/status/660017294115020800Posted by
James Marsters - The Official Page on
Friday, October 30, 2015 SOURCE/