I need a break from finals studying even though I've only been doing it for an hour.
1) Oldest (currently uploaded)
2) Newest
3) Happiest
The first is what I use for most "happy" moments in camp, but the second's the one that actually looks happiest.
4) Saddest
5) Angriest
I don't think I've ever used this icon. I wonder why. XD
6) Scariest
Seme!Hana. o.o
6) Cutest
Yeah, this was definitely the hardest one to narrow down. XD Cute is just part of the definition of Hanatarou.
7) Sexiest
... sexy, on the other hand, is uh. Not. But this icon also has shirtless bandaged Ichigo, and rubber gloves are HAWT no matter who's wearing them, so it works.
8) Funniest
Also hard to narrow down. But this is funny for the expression, the canon context, and the brainbreakyness of realizing what it could be used to indicate in an AU.
9) OTP
The broom tops. ♥