Dec 30, 2003 17:03
It's about time I update.
The computer crashed here.
I almost died. heh.
Anyway, TSO was amazing. And the Casino was really cool. We walked around and went into shops and stuff. Peter went to the 'bathroom' and lost ten bucks haha.
I really enjoyed the show, it was put together very well.
All with the exeption of all the old people who sat there and were boring.
Peter bought the last three tickets so Peter, Neil and I all sat miles apart from eachother. But it was fun none the less.
And the other night we went to my Grandma's house. I love her house, it's like huge and it's on a lake. Which at this time of year is frozen over. Cool cool.
Tonight we're going to some other social gathering. I'm kindof tired of it. But I'm not going to complain. I like it here.
I look cute today. Baby blue sweater, and firey red hair. I feel new. More than just physically though, I think this trip as rejuvenated me in more ways than one.
Prepare yourselves for the new and inproved Ashley when she comes home.