Dec 27, 2003 10:49
Yesterday Neil, his friend Travis and I went snowboarding. Imagine that. Me... Snowboarding.
Well, I spent most of the time with my face in the snow of the bunny hill. It was funny because Neil and Travis (specifically Travis) insisted I go with them on the big hill. I took one glance at it and... yeah, no.
After I convinced them to go off without me, I practiced steering and... going straight, you know.. the hard stuff. I went down maybe twice without falling. Yes, the bunny hill. Hah, I suck.
Travis felt bad for leaving me behind (I didn't care, really... I like learning things alone) and offered to buy me a hot coacoa. Yummy. So we sat in the lodge for quite a while, talking and such. Neil went back out and Travis and I were left in a slightly akward silence for a few minutes.
After conversation was finally started again, this pair of girls (with thick boston accents)Offered Neil and Travis to sit with them... "Oh, and Texas can come too."
My name for the evening was Texas.
I was asked several times to say, "howdy y'all" or "fixin' to" so they could laugh and joke. Neil stood in my defense.
At least I wasn't the only one who realized these chicks were nutcases. Neil uncomfortably mentioned us having to go.. somewhere... away... Far far away.
Anyway the guys finally convinced me to go up on the ski lift (which was... up) and down one of the trails.
Little did I know they picked the HARD trail. After much stumbling and gracefull landings flat on my face, I plowed down to the bottom.
Though perilious, It was a fun experence.