Apr 06, 2006 22:11
Okay, this might require a bit of explaining to those who don't know the story.
Mum was told a little while ago that because of hospital rennovations and changes in the ward structures and stuff, every patient of her specialist's was being put back 10 months from the last time they saw him for their ops, barring emergencies. This meant that instead of having her iliostomy reversed in May, it would wait until October. This news came at the worst possible time, when mum was battling with part of the wound ulcerating and having to be bandaged again, as well as the colostomy bags leaking and rupturing all the time, at the worst possible moments. It left us all in a state of despair and horror. Frankly, I couldn't bear to write it in my LiveJournal because it would have seemed so final then. Too real.
Ian immediately suggested that I call A Current Affair (a national news TV program) and give them the details, since if the story aired it would generate immediate repsonse from the public at large. Others suggested a visit to the local Member of Parliament. The support I had from my friends - including some people who have never even MET my mother - was immense and was probably the main thing that kept me going.
But today, Mum got a phonecall stating that the hospital had had a cancellation for some reason, and therefore they had a slot free for her. She's going in on Monday morning - a whole month earlier than we'd previously thought! The only disappointing thing is that she almost certainly won't be out for at least a whole week, so she'll miss both the Good Friday and Easter Sunday services at church (she hates missing church and it makes her sad.) But she's more than willing to sacrifice that for the chance to get better quicker.
Tomorrow I'll be buying a stack of magazines for her to read in hospital (so she doesn't get bored too much) as well as a pencil and a puzzle book or two, since she loves word-search puzzles.
No more bags and baseplates! No more skin torn by the adhesives and pastes when the plates are removed every few days! No more worries about bag failure!
Now the only thing that concerns me is the anesthetic they'll use (mum had a VERY bad reaction to the one they used last time.) But apparently they're already taking that into consideration and making arrangements. So if you can set aside a bit of time to pray for Mum or think of her on Monday, I would be eternally grateful.
*hugs you all* Thank you, for more than you will ever ever know.