Nov 05, 2011 16:43
I've decided (late, I know) to do an unofficial semi-NaNoWriMo. I've decided that by 30th Nov I will write 50,000 words. That's it. The only rule. It doesn't have to all be in the same story - in fact, it certainly won't. And it will almost certainly be fanfic, not original. But that's okay. Just 50,000 words - on any story, any fandom, any rating, any pairing, updating an old fic or starting a new one, a new big epic fic or a short little kinkmeme fill, whatever. As long as the writing gets done. But I am NOT going to be posting any of the new fics I write unless I finish them. I have a long history of starting a story then losing the inspiriation and leaving the fic undone. At least two of those abandoned fics were surprisingly popular in their fandoms and left people disappointed when they were left incomplete. Since I'm doing this purely to kick-start my writing again, I'm not going to set myself up to go back to my bad habits.