Mar 04, 2005 15:36 well scratch two days ago. me and phil are over. i cant stand him. and if he is going to still talk about meh...i wont care cause he is not going to bring me down anymore. he thinks im weaker than that and im not so phil kiss my ass. i hate you!
this is the last posting ever about phil. wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. nothing exciting happened but nothing bad....thank god cause im sick of all these bad things happening.....oh yeah and one more thing about the phil thing well i found some friends talking about me with him and you know you can go fuck yourselves because i guess you guys were never my friends then....
okay.....well um lets see well i think im going bowling tonight with steve and [hot ass friend] wont mention his name in here though.....shane i think is going too!!!! and trish and aggie and i think ill call viki and ask her to go too! cause viki is cool. well yesterday shane and annie and i hung out. then came to my house and viki came over. we had fun. they cheered me up ^.^ shane did too so.....yeah......
well dentist later fuckers.......