Sep 12, 2005 16:59
I... don't believe in mankind, I just believe in me. As much as I want to see the good in all, I've seen too many types of people do to many unspeakable, seemingly-illogical things that I know longer am the idealist I once was.
I... 've got soul, but I'm not a soldier. Actually, I AM a soldier in the Army of the United fuckin' States of America, and it's the best part about my life.
I... have a major, hopeless crush. To quote Steph, *le sigh*
I... appreciate the little things in life, not the finer things. Like when power goes out and your Achem lab gets canceled and you grab a smirnoff and jump in the kiddie pool on a Monday afternoon :)
I... know the value of a hard-earned dollar, and I don't care to ever earn another ever again.
I... love the childhood I had. It wasn't by any means perfect, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Old friends may slip away, but you have made me who I am, and I love you all.
I... am not a democrat or a republican. I support civil unions, but my opinion varies day to day on gay marriage. I personally could never get an abortion, but I think it's an option should be out there. I DO strongly support making RU-486 over the counter. I think abstinence-only education is flat-out stupid. I think welfare needs to be reformed, and I have some kick-ass ideas on how to do it. I think lawyers are overpaid and teachers are underappreciated. I think working should be illegal until you're 18, and that drinking should be allowed at 18. I like legal and illegal immigrants, as long as they're contributing to the country as they use our resources. I'm scared that the United States will have to share its world power status, because frankly I love dominating. I don't like it when people are anti-American, and I hate it when people wave their flags but don't give their lives. I think foreign languages should be a mandatory part of education. I think the intensity of physical education should be bumped up, because you got to start in on them young. I like protests and I love rebels. But above all, I love the Constitution, and, little known fact, I carried a copy of it around in my backpack all throughout high school.