And so, in the spirit of the day: bleeeghhhhh.
Donated blood today, for the first time. Didn't have much to eat beforehand (bad idea), so I went home in the middle of the day. Been watching movies since noon. Still can't stand up for more than a few minutes without feeling woozy and very very much do NOT want to have to work on my History paper. x_x Rough draft's due Friday; I haven't even finished the research. Blegh.
...And now the database I needed to use for research isn't loading. ANGST WOE ETC. (At least now I have an excuse not to work on it for another hour.)
In other news, the
ides_of_april ficathon's over. I wrote a fic, and I can't tell you which one it is because it's a secret (for a while), but I recieved an incredibly awesome one in return:
Aspects of the Goddess, a Portia/Calpurnia fic. That pairing isn't as weird as it sounds, or it isn't here, anyway. Seriously, so much love for this fic - Roman women did so much behind the scenes that they never got credit for (the "honorable men" bit - love it!), and when you throw femmeslash in the mix, EVEN BETTER. No, really, go read it.
Speaking of Julius Caesar, still working on that fanvid for the 79 version. I would say... 2/3 of the way done? It's completely embarrassing, don't know why I'm doing it. Anyway, this means I've been re-watching 79, and, oh man, David Collings makes the FUNNIEST faces. And that awkward bro-hug at the end of 4.3! And is it just me or is that Brutus kind of a jerk? Oh, it's so good to watch a REAL Caesar. <3 *
Speaking of media-type things that feature ancient Romans, I'm still watching Rome. Only have one episode of the first season left, and it's supposed to be a big one, so I'm not going to watch it until the weekend. Anywho, in the last episode I saw, we met Cassius, who was... a bit of a slippery little bitch. (I've been spoiled by Julius Caesar fic and its emotional!Cassius. XD) Sort of flirty, though. Guess some things never change?
And Rome, why you gotta go killing my favorite pairings? First there was Caesar/Servilia, which lasted about five minutes, then there was Epic Femmeslash which took a turn for the creepier and now... I don't even know. Blegh.
Ooh, I finished Slings & Arrows today. SO CORNY. SO SO CORNY. But I loved it. XD
Blegh. What else is there to say? Oh god I really don't want to do this research >_