I just made sense of Cassius' soliloquy in Julius Caesar I.2 and it's like my mind is imploding.
Here, have a lovely snippet of interview:
Norrie Epstein: You've even played the part of Hamlet. What is his so-called mystery?
Dame Judith Anderson: Well . . . no, I couldn't say. I'd say he was not totally masculine, missing the . . . what do you call it?
NE: Macho?
JA: Yes, he was highly sensitive.
NE: But not effeminate?
JA: He had his little moments in school, but I suppose a lot of boys do. He loved Ophelia as best he could, but there was something lacking.
NE: What?
JA: I think that in his school days he had a little affair with Horatio. Horatio was a tender person and was obviously impressed by Hamlet's princely background. It's so obvious, particularly when Hamlet says, "I could accuse me of such things that it were better my mother had not borne me." He's not a murderer or a cheat or a thief, and he's a very tender person. And then he died in Horatio's arms. But I never heard anyone make that suggestion.