May 18, 2010 23:51
So, yeah. I started watching I∙CLAVDIVS (I am too pretentious for that I Claudius crap), mostly to fill the gaping void in my soul left by ROME (but also because of DEREK JACOBI). I have only seen the first episode, ATOVCHOFMVRDER (ok, i'll stop), and so far my thoughts are these:
1. I am pretty sure that is the snake from ROME in the title sequence. (Which makes sense, because I read somewhere that Rome was kind of the spiritual successor to I Claudius.)
2. WHAT THE HELL, OCTAVIAN. NO. JUST NO. Uuuugh you're not even Octavian anymore you're "Augustus" or "Caesar" or some crap. I can't even handle this. WHERE IS MY COLD-HEARTED REPTILIAN OCTAVIAN? WHY DOES THIS ROTUNDISH GENIAL MEATHEAD THINK HE IS THE EMPEROR?
3. HAY LIVIA HAY. Like Atia plus Servilia minus humanity. (wait no that's the same Livia character from Rome OH GOD)
4. That guy's leg... ouch. D:
5. DRUSUS. ;_;
6. Okay, I know they're brothers, but SWEATY BATHHOUSE SCENE AND BACK-SCRAPING WHAT. If only Tiberius were more attractive.
7. Can we get to young!cute!Jacobi already?
8. Err, going back to #2, ALSO WTF @ AGRIPPA.
10. Writing this post, I have decided that ROME is an alternate universe to I Claudius in which everyone and everything is younger, shinier, and generally more aesthetically pleasing. Much like Star Trek TOS and XI.
11. This is actually my headcanon now. Someone write fic.
...Ok, yeah, I think that's it.
Did anyone watch Glee tonight? Will/Brian Ryan FTW. They were about to kiss like 5 times, I swear. (Also, the 'love of Brian's life' is named Wilma. NOT COINCIDENCE.)
I don't think I've nattered about fanvids lately, so let me do so.
*sigh* Still have two unfinished OLD-ASS projects. One of them is literally seconds away from being done, I just need to sit my butt down and finish it. (Yes, it is Caesar... yes, it is Brutus/Cassius... but it's also the 79 version, which should be a bit of a change.) I... I can't really decide if it's crack or not? It's actually kind of embarrassing that I'm doing it, when I think about it. But at the same time, the song is... eerily fitting. (and not even telling you what song it is, i'm such a tease~ but i suppose if you asked hard enough i would tell.)
The other one is "Romanticide" by Tal Bachman, Twelfth Night 1996, Antonio/Sebastian. Well, more like Antonio's POV bitching and moping about Sebastian. And there I've hit a bit of a tricky patch (read: guitar solo), so IDK.
I remember talking some time ago about a multi-Shakespeare vid set to "Gay Bar", which is TOTALLY still in the works. There's been some... shenanigans... with the audio files. And I've decided on what movies and pairings I'm going to use: Julius Caesar 1979 (Brutus/Cassius, with special cameos by Casca) (no shit, I'm so predictable), Twelfth Night 1996 (Antonio/Sebastian, Orsino/Cesario... well more like Orsino being gay for Cesario without any of Viola's accompanying angst), Merchant of Venice 2004 (do I need to even say?), Romeo and Juliet 1968 (Romeo/Mercutio, Romeo/Benvolio, Mercutio/Benvolio... they're just kind of all gay for each other). Um, but yeah. Need to convert the video files *coughhaventstarted*.
I've been hearing about Were the World Mine a bit recently, so I downloaded the soundtrack, and holy shit is it amazing. I LOVE 'Pyramus and Thisby', and I was thinking about doing a "tragic lovers" vid set to it... I think I'd use P&T from the 90s Midsummer, 68 R&J, and does anyone know of a good A&C because I really ought to watch it. I'm not sure if I should use 53!Brutus/Cassius, even though that version totally fits the pattern (person A thinks B is dead, kills self, B isn't actually dead, B finds A dead, kills self). I mean, they don't even let Titinius come back in to confuse anyone. And Brutus completely loses the will to live after he sees Cassius dead. (THEIR LOVE IS SO CANON.)
Well, I'm tired. Come, my coach!
Good night, ladies! Good night, sweet ladies!
fanvid natterings,
rome (tv show),
derek jacobi,
tv shows,
ancient rome,
romans on the teevee