May 09, 2010 17:54
Octavius, upon hearing of Antony's death:
O Antony!
I have follow'd thee to this; but we do lance
Diseases in our bodies: I must perforce
Have shown to thee such a declining day,
Or look on thine; we could not stall together
In the whole world: but yet let me lament,
With tears as sovereign as the blood of hearts,
That thou, my brother, my competitor
In top of all design, my mate in empire,
Friend and companion in the front of war,
The arm of mine own body, and the heart
Where mine his thoughts did kindle,-that our stars,
Unreconciliable, should divide
Our equalness to this.
And to think I shipped them BEFORE reading this--!
slash goggles,
antony and cleopatra