Aug 14, 2005 21:23
~Last week of summer '05~
-Last Sunday- there was a mix up with what we were doing that day.... so uh, didn't go to church but found out later we could have... and we went hous lookin.. some more.... funfun.... not.... but we found another one we like.... but who cares...
-Monday- woke up real early to find out that Julia was gunna be an hour late pickin me up... and then me, Julia, and Sam went to walmart to get his school suplies.... and i talked to Whitney and she deceided to meet us at Johnny Rockets.... which is where we saw Courtney! lol... i think that was as close as we got to hanging out all summer... but at least i got to see her.. and then we (me, Whit, Julia, and Sam) went swimmin... for a little while... and then i went with Julia and Sam to see this huge house.. and then back to their house... and drew stuff for Sam's binders... and then late night run to chick-fil-a... and then Laguna Beach... then music videos... and whatnot....
-Tuesday- woke up kinda early again to fill out stuff for Sam's school... and yeh... then we went to his school... and then we went back to her house and hung out in the sun lol... listenin to music... then she took me home.... and then i went to Bible study!.. was late too, but thats ok...
-Wednesday- woke up real early to go babysit... and i did that for 6 hours... and that was ok i guess... then came home and cleaned.... then Mere called and we deceided to go do stuff... so i picked her up and we went to the library, then to get gas, then to Sonic.... and this is when my "story" happens....
we're sittin there... and i'm tellin her about Julia gettin stuck at the Summit cuz her car battery died... and then all of a sudden my air gets real hot and the radio starts goin insane so i get freaked out and turn the car off... lol... and then we try to turn it back on and it wouldn't.... so i call Julia, but she didn't feel well and her mom and brother came to my rescue... and to top it all off... it was raining... lol... only cool people's car battery dies!!!!! lol... but yeh, Sammer Samander is my hero! lolll.... and then we went to blockbuster, then back home to hang out, then i took her home....
-Thursday- uh... oh yeh! we have to get up early again! cuz someone was gunna come see our house... and then i went to the mall with my sis and mom.... then finally my dad comes to pick me up after bein all over town... and we go riding.... and we ended up in Auburn cuz he had business down there.... and that was cool... then we got home kinda late and my sis had heba over and i took her home....
-Friday- actually got to sleep hahaha... then clean some more so people could come see the house and then out with my sis and mom... and ended up gettin home late... so i was late to Mrs. George's house... blah... but we had sooooo much fun!! if you didn't go, you should have!! we played with the pigs.. lol.. ((I MADE A POEM, BUT ILL PUT IT ON HERE LATER!)) and watched a couple movies... and yeh, laughed ALL night long!!! hahaha! ((me, lizzie, lauren, lauretta and laura..))
-Saturday- woke up... and then we went to the school to watch the guys football practice... which was fun cuz like everyone was there! lol... and got to see a few faces i miss... and yeh... then lauretta took me home and i think the rest of the day was boring...
-Sunday (today)- woke up, went to church! and it was really good.... and there was a really cute guy there... but i have seen him before, but anywayz.... then we went out to eat and i saw someone i really didn't wanna see.... and it made me grumpy... and then i came home and slept... and then we went to this play thing at my church and they did a really good job!! and i saw Nathaniel!!! hahaha... and this guy that looked like john.... but anywayz....
and now i am just sittin here tryin to think of how i am gunna spend my last day of summer... ((tomorrow)) and i'm talkin to Lauren... so yeh! call me if ya wanna hook up sometime tomorrow!! Love ya!!! :o) ((and if you read that whole thing, wow... lol...))