♠ Nine of Clubs ♠ {Voice; English} [Comment Log for Riful and Seifer]

Jul 22, 2010 18:36

... the-- the city... {There is some quick breathing between statements, maybe Ace's been running from something, or chasing things perhaps? He sounds kind of worried, jittery... not all together as he's trying to sound.}

The city's on fire. Hah...haah, Did I--? I-I couldn't... {It's not really, don't worry, he's just seeing things. But he's moving again, running down the street.}

No. It was him. {Whoever HE is, Ace has some serious bone to pick with him and he seems pretty damn sure he's going to finish whatever it is.}

I see the darkness... the shadows. This was your doing!

I know you're there. You can't... you won't-- {His voice is getting more and more determined, somewhat desperate too. Something dark edges into his words, dripping with hatred. He's stopped running.}


{The comm clatters onto the street and you can hear the whoosh of fire, the crackle of flames.} DAIENKAI!!

{There is a lot of feedback, rumbling just basic chaos since the comm is caught up in his fire as he collects his energy, it can't take it and shuts off before he finishes the assault.}

{When Ace stops he widens his stance, thrusting an arm out to his side. As this happens flames appear and wash out from around his feet in a sea of fire. It ripples and licks at the air and ground as he calls out his attack 'DAIENKAI'. They leap upward, consuming him and slowly forming into a large ball of firey doom in his out stretched hand. He lifts it above his head shouting "ENTEI!' He then lobs the whole fucking thing at those unsuspecting buildings where NO ONE is. Of course, the poor monsters within are going to get a rude awakening.

The ball then expands as it explodes dead center between the buildings. It's tall enough to be seen above the buildings and from the street. It washes outwards and consumes everything around it, burning the warehouses to the ground and reducing them to rubble. Hot air blows through the streets, ash falls from the sky and the ground shakes with his fury before it burns out completely.

Ace barely stands, panting, grinning like a mad man. Then... he slumps to the ground, unconscious.}

((ooc: The explosion will happen shortly after his post feel free to notice it. Ace won't be responding though. He's dropping over from exhaustion shortly after the blast. Riful will find him and hand him off to Seifer apparently.))

out cold, blowing shit up, comment log, going crazy, amu/imouto, kiku/japan, anemone, cirno, dead serious, nora, riful, luffy, lsd vision, seifer, seeing blackbeard, hallucinating, seeing things, patchouli

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