well apparently alot of ppl at SCPA seem to hate me...ppl i dont even know...
like yesterday i was walking home from the bus and there was this car full oh ghetto ppl blasting music and as i walked by somone said
"eww that girl is in my ceramics class i hate her"
witch is kinda weird cause ive never even spoken to anyone else but shannon ashey and lindsay from my ceramics class
but ehh maybe its cause im white
and somone in defaced my english book...
this is the cover...
the frist page on the inside
...if you couldnet tell in pink i wrote "NFG" and they wrote that in respose to it i guess
the back cover...
...i dont really get this? your taller then emo kids?
the side pages of my book
if you cant tell it says "emo kids mega byte"
there are a few other who hate me but i dont care about them...haha infact i dont care about any of them but ehh oh well...i still have my friends ♥