I picked 52 to represent every week of the year.
However, that's not to say each week is represented.
Did that make sense?
I was/am fortunate to have a job at allows/requires me to take photos.
It's been great to have a certain amount of power over who gets in the paper or not.
This photo was of Williamsburg's annual play. In a tradition that was continued in 2010,
a key member of the cast was sick on the day on the day I was there. And both years we made a joke about it in the paper, like "The Tin Man was absent because he was having his oil changed."
I followed Central's Mock Trial Team to Atlanta for the National Championships.
Although I felt in No-Man's Land between the youthfulness of the team and the respect of the adults, I had a great time.
The kids were great and I ended up with a great story. They finished tenth in the nation. Eli is missing from this photo.
For about two weeks, Babes and I were into biking. This is my bike rack.
Annual Speeders Ride. I arranged a ride with one of the guys. It was pretty sweet.
A local photographer saw this photo in the paper and told me to "Stop putting hineys in the paper."
Ondo, Sol and Tom Doxon on the abandoned PA Turnpike.
I took several like this and was unsuccessful in having each of them look good in one photo.
This is an artist's rendition of a photo I said I wouldn't post. Taken on the long ride home from Virginia Beach.
I didn't notice till months later that I forgot to crop the right side. So it's unfinished. I suppose that's the last thing you would notice.
I thought this was a good representation of the night. Dutch through a wine glass.
Sunday Night Football in the hospital after Tim Dixon's $1,000 ambulance ride.
Favorite Halloween costume/Father of the bride
This wasn't even the stupidest thing he did that night.
Sal at Sakura for his birthday/Scoot Scoot with Babes in Bermuda
Fallen soldier returns to his hometown.
One, two, thr.....
SIX. I chose this one because it was the first time somebody called the office, asked for me and told me they had something that would make a good photo. I wish that happened everyday.
Cute girls.
This was the first photo with my 50mm lens. For what I heard, Wack likes this photo.
Hiking in Allegheny National Forest, NY.
Reminds me of this. This was fake, but I liked the idea of it being real.
Good idea, bad idea.
My boss on a dunk tank.
The coolest kid in the universe.
Sal making everybody laugh. Except the kid on the left. He was not amused.
I was asked to take this photo so years from now my boss and his wife can show their daughter that she used to sit and watch her dad work at the paper. The sepia tone was meant to be smart. I don't think it came off that way.
Shot for Friday the 13th.
A mother looking for her soldier son returning home.
Amanda doesn't like this photo. Or freedom. Or 'Merica.
Never made it in the paper.
Appleton disaster drill. Very cool.
A scene I pass every day on the way to work.
I don't know why I like this.
Might be my favorite day of the 2009.
Babes gets jealous when I smile in photos with other people. I think that's cute.
January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. Everyday.