Young Alum Night...

Mar 23, 2008 14:30

So I try to come to the young alum events in town, and Thursday night there was one at the Hand In Hand pub. We had an all Ivy event there before so I knew at least the beer would be ok. It ended up being quite small, but I had a couple beers most people were getting ready to leave so I ordered some food. Then a few more people showed up, they had some beer we had some conversation. I ended up having some good conversation with Jesse who turned out to know ibid32 from her debate days. So I've eaten and decided its time to go home. We leave, and my car is gone, nowhere to be seen. So I double checked where I parked and the sign said no parking 8 to 5, the thing is it was PM to AM, not AM to PM as I had assumed, because really who bans street parking at night. So I call the tow company assuming that I could just go get it, but no, since the city towed it I have to get a release from the city, which doesn't open til 8am. So at this point its either spend a lot of money on a cab home or crash with Jesse and his other Dartmouth roomates. I choose to stay, because really there's no point and there's offers of jaeger shots. We head back and walk the 20 minutes or so back to his place. He was nice enough to offer his coat since it was cold and mine was in my now towed car. Once there we have jaeger and I crash on the couch. Morning comes and I walk to the Marta station expecting to just pick up a cab, but no you have call for one which takes forever to come. I finally get to the place to get the release and it turns out you need to bring registration receipt which is in my car. Luckily, the lady at the window is nice and releases the car to me anyway, and off I go into a new nicer cab to the towing company, which is another $20 away. I pay the towing people their money and go to find a ticket on my car too! It sucked.
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