Mar 12, 2005 15:02
shut the fuck up.
i love that insert. the one with
" life is a turd floating in a cesspool of human refuse.."
fucking right.
lately reading adbusters is only making it worse.
i had a dream last night that i was basically attacked by a shark. you see it started in the water when it ate this girls friend. they said dive down there and get them. but the girl was convinced that her friend was dead, and didnt want to follow the same fate. so she stayed in the boat, which was a canoe. and we went to shore when we noticed blood in the walkie talkies. but the shark followed onto land and started coming after me. someone kept saying, "kill it, kill it." and it took off a chunk of my left thumb. it stung and i put the bloody thing in my mouth. but i couldnt kill it. maybe because it was an animal i dont know. so someone else did. i think they stabbed it with something.
then there was another part of the dream where i was in a mall with jordan. a huge poorly lit mall. but then my grandmother came to take me shopping. but she was being a jerk so i yelled at her and left to find jordan again. they thought i was stealing food. and i felt like i had been framed because i looked down and found food in my bag that i didnt put there. so then i tried to call jordan and tony picked up. somehow i had scrambled all of my phone numbers. i sat on a small table that felt like bleachers. and a man accidently dropped an envelope into my bag. i told him and he said thank you and took it out. it looked like somthing important. i kept thinking, "how am i going to find jordan?" i slowly became more depressed and scared as a guy smiled and sat on a table next to me. and thats when the dream ended.
last night was really something too.