holding onto the memory of what didn't last...

Dec 12, 2004 01:29

*Slept in your bed: Sarah
*Made you cry: Suzy
*You shared a drink with: Suzy and Jason
*You went to the movies with: Jason and Mike
*You went to the mall with: my mom wednesday night
*Yelled at you: faron for being so tense *you're too tense ryan, you're like a wigwam...get it...TWO TENTS...that's you*
*Sent you a comment on livejournal: Dre
*Said they were going to kill you: hrmm...prolly my sister

*Said "I love you" and meant it?: yes, to brent and sarah...and my family...but that's a given
*Gotten in a fight: with my sister, several times
*Been to New York? nope
*Been to Florida? nope
*Been to California? not yet
*Been to Hawaii? nope
*been to Mexico? dont need to, look at the population of salisbury...
*been to China? nope
*Been to Canada? nope
*Got a really bad feeling about something then it happened? of course, it was a car accident with my friend thomas
*hoped you were the opposite sex? no, i'm not as twisted as my brother and sister
*Had an imaginary friend? No don’t think so
*Red or Blue? blue
*Spring or Fall? spring
*Santa or Rudolph? Sant
*Math or English? English
*What are you going to do after you finish this survey? prolly sleep since i have to be up for the wrestling tourney
*What was the last food you ate? Jersey Mikes...CLUB SUB
*High school or college? ...ShS represent
*Are you bored? extremly
*How many buddies are on? several but i don't feel like talking to them...
*Do you have a crush on someone? yeah, but she's not crushin' back :(
*What book are you reading now? frankenstein...*gag*
*Favorite board game? Candy Land...or Monopoly
*Favorite magazine? guitar world or rollingstone
*Worst feeling in the world? emotional pain...or knowing that you disappointed someone you look up to
*What is the first thing you think of when you wake in the morning? going back to sleep
*How many rings before you answer? depends on who it is...but usually just until the caller id picks up *2 rings*
*Future daughter's name? elizabeth michelle
*Future son's name? landen joseph
*Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla

****about the opposite sex****
*honestly, what do you notice first?: smile/eyes
*must-have personality trait: nice
*hair-curly or straight?: does not matter
*hair-long or short?: emo boy length
*thing you hate most about 'em?: the way they can make you feel
*thing you love most about 'em?: the way they can make you feel

*Wallet : moneyless...with a eyeless monkey
*Hairbrush: black and fun to play with
*Toothbrush : pink and orange
*Jewelry worn daily: rainbow necklace, snake puzzle ring, my irish promise ring, and my assorted colours of jelly bracelets
*Pillow cover: "punk" design with union jacks and plaid and graffiti
*Blanket: same as
*Coffee cup : OPEN WIDE *try my nuts*
*Sunglasses : none
*Shoes : my black chucky t's with rainbow laces or my black vans with flames on the sides
*Favorite top : hrmm...prolly my juliana theory tees
*Cologne/Perfume : beyond paradise/tommy girl
*CD in stereo right now : the used
*Tattoos : none yet, but meggie is designing mine now
*Piercings: ears gauged to 2's, 3 cartilige piercings, and my eyebrow
*What you are wearing now : powder blue sweater, denim skirt, knee high climber boots
*Hair: down and curly *bc suzy likes it that way

**WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)
*In my head : suzy
*After this: sleep
*Eating : not a damn thing i'm still full from chili's
*If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason : i couldn't kill anyone, even if i say i might wanna...its not right
*Person you wish you could see right now : ricky :( i miss that boy
*Is next to you: a bag of salt and vinegar lays
*Some of your favorite movies : Latter Days, A Clockwork Orange, Rocky Horror, Requiem for a Dream, Donnie Darko, Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissor Hands, Big Fish....
*Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month : hrmm...Phantom of the Opera, Bright Eyes concert, SoCo concert, and another Atreyu concert...
*Do you like candles : love them...and inscents
*Do you like hot wax : how hot?
*Do you believe in forgiveness: yeah
*What do you want done with your body when you die? buried
*What is the latest you've ever stayed up: the all-nighter with brent on the phone...and totally missing school the next day bc i was overly exhausted...
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