ok this first entry is dedicated to
www.factualmaterial.com and the two guys who set up that amazing site. we want to thank them for coming up with hilarious ideas and many true facts as well as inspiring us to start this. we know it's not going to be nearly as good as theirs, but we're bored and figured what the hell, why not. we took their idea with 'essence of being a douchebag' and we're going to change it around with wigger. this guy is Andrew. he's from new york, and yeah, just take a look...
they're really hard to see, but my computer is fucked up and i can't get then any bigger than this. if i ever figure out how, i'll re-update.
Pimp Shades: You're inside, dick. There's no need for sunglasses. Are you trying to hide the black eye you got from the nigger because you were "fronting on his grill?" Or did he fuck you up because you wouldn't suck his dick? Just by looking at you, everybody can tell you are a total bitch You are not only a poser, you're a fucking pussy. Take those 5 dollar pieces of shit off so you can see how retarded you look, especially with that…
Pony Tail: Girls wear long hair. Guys wear short hair. Just proving how much of a pussy and how gay you really are. On the other hand, you could be a hippie, and if you're a hippie, you should hang yourself. Hang yourself from the fucking tree you hugged for 9 hours last night. Didn't hippie-ism end in the seventies? You're not 20 anymore, get over it. Cut your hair. And speaking of hippies, what the fuck is with that…
Gold Watch: ok i don't really care that you have a gold watch on, but the fact that your in an all matching green outfit just defeats the purpose. since your in all green you mine as well just get a fucking green watch you dipshit. or do you want to show off your bling, maybe that's why you're wearing the...
Gold "Blinging" Peace Sign: wtf is with that. are you a fucking hippie? is that why you have a ponytail in your hair as well. hey buddy just to let ya know, the hippie age died way back in the 70's, maybe even early 80's. or are you trying to bring it back with that...
Matching "Silky Smooth" Outfit: There are so many things wrong with this. It's silky and smooth. You know who wears silky smooth shit? A slut who wants to get the shit fucked out of her. And you know where she wears it? Under her clothes, as in, her bra and thong are silky and smooth. But this douchebag has it showcased like he's a fucking model. Last time I checked models aren't fat dudes with ponytails. Second thing wrong is the fact that it matches. I don't think I can name three guys that know if colors match or don't match. But this dude knows exactly how to mach his clothes, and exactly how to keep everything immaculately clean, like his…
Air Force Ones: These shoes aren't white, their pure white. There isn't a little bit of dirt on them at all. How do you walk around without getting your shoes dirty at all? This just shows how obsessed this guy is with his fucking shoes. You are not Nelly. You don't look like Nelly at all. Stop being a pussy and get your shoes a little dirty. Do something that you might get hurt in and stop sucking dick. And if you're gonna suck dick, at least shave that…
Goatee: Guys can't enjoy having hair going across their dick while you're blowing them. Maybe you're doing this to try and keep up the hippie look? yeah to be honest i'm not even sure if hippies had goatees, but i know for sure that it don't look good on you. whether your trying to be black or a hippie, it's not working out well for you either way. so if i were you, i'd just jump off a cliff and save myself
the second guy is jason. have a look...
Bald Head: lets start off with that. why the hell did you shave your head? are you having a balding problem like me? i could understand if your starting to get male pattern baldness, but if not, wtf is with that. who are you trying to be, Vin Diesel? or were ya trying to cover it up with your...
Upside Down Visor: is so, then that's sad. if you want to cover up baldness, at least get a hat that covers your entire head. you're going to need to put on a lot of sunscreen in the summer as to not get burned ass. or are you trying to get a tan line with your...
Gold Ring On Middle Finger: why the hell so you have it on your middle finger to begin with. is it because when you flip someone off, you want to be like 'yeah bitch look at my gold ring that i got for 25 cents at walbaums.' what else ya get at walbaums, maybe your...
"Pimp" Shades: your not pimp, so stop trying. if i had to guess, you most likely don't get any girls to begin with due to the male pattern baldness. maybe that's why your wearing the...
Dumb Expression: either your really happy with your job, or some guys is giving you head under the table. maybe even hippie boy from above is doing it. do ya like the feeling of hair across your balls? but don't you need to hear the music through your...
Headphones: last time i checked, i do believe they went on your ears. i don't know what good they do on your neck. or is that the cool thing to do now? i think that's it. damn i wish i were cool. maybe i need to wear a sports team shirt, possibly with the...
NY Yankee Logo: yeah i like the yankees too, but once you wear the shirt while spinning turn tables, it's just wrong. how does yankees and turn tables relate to each other at all? they don't. know why? because your a douchebag. not as much as oliver but you still are.
whether your jason, andrew, or any other God damn wigger or hippee, we still hate you. i mean seriously, who the fuck likes people who try and act black, or any kind of hippie action that may take place. we're done here
"God damn hippies"