love is no statistic....

Jun 17, 2003 23:49

A chill crept up Staton's back as he walked through the halls of his high school one last time. The day of graduation and Stat as his friends called him can only think of one person, more imortantly the girl he lost. The story of Stat and his love Virginity Mcall is not your typical high school story ending in just some run of the mill way. For Statson and Virginity it was pure nothing ill about their love for each other. Statson was one of those kids who was to get out of highschool before he even got into it. Stat was six one black hair spiked into whats called a fashion hawk, tattoos on his arms,full sleeves to be exact. He was in a local hardcore band, and spent more time with that than anything else in his life,the only thing cared about till her.

Statson had no other care in the world other than his band, went to school only because he had to, and was only there the bare minimum required to pass his classes. The rest of his time was spent at rehersal, the studio or sleeping when he had time to. Statson's dream was to be known for the music he made not money for his music but known, althogh making a career of it would not be bad either.

On one fatefull day Stat had to go to school considering it was the first day of his senior year, he walks in to his first class which happened to be chemistry class and sat down. now being it was six forty five in the morning Stat sat down and went back to sleep for a bit before class started. no sooner had Stat fallin to sleep, he felt a tap on his shoulder.
Lashing out in a crude remark"what the fuck do you wa..." Stat stoped short.
There standing next to him in a south central high softball shirt and cheerleading shorts was the most beatiful girl Stat ever scene.

"Hello my name is Virginity, do you mind if i sit next to you?" the girl questioned and looked a little nervous after Stat's out burst.
Statson quickly appologized for his foul language and pulled out Virginity's chair. Virginity was five seven she had brown hair, bright blue eyes that Stat could loss himself in and ruby red lips. Statsns thought to himself i need to know all I can about this girl, she exactly how i picture my wife.
Virginity was captain of the softball team and home coming queen at her old highschool she had just transferred into south central.

The two became lab partners in chem class, and over a number of weeks became very close. Stat had even started attending school every day, just to see Virginity. Stat had "girlfriends" in the past, and never had troule asking girls out, but Virginity was a different story. Stat never felt about a girl like he did for Virginity, he felt like a better person after meeting her and that she could make any pain leave him with just one word any word it didnt matter. Virginity's voice was more calming then a finly tuned song played on a stienway piano, he felt that he was free talking to her listening to her or just sitting quitly next to her. Being around her just put him at ease.

One thursday morning Stat walked into chem. class and layed a single rose on Virginity's desk and then a trail of roses leading to him in the courtyard of the school. Along with the rose there was a note that said follow your heart. Virginity followed the roses with a small crowd of classmates growing in numbers as she passed by open class rooms, she walked open the door to the court yardand there sat stat with an acoustic. Statson proceeded to play a song that he had written for Virginity and when he playe it was like the courtyard was empty no crowd behind her just he to alone. After playing the song for Virginity Stat said to her ive thought for countless hours and days andweeks about you and decided that the world doesnt feel right anymore unless your mine so what do you think will you be my girlfriend.

Virginity stood shaking a little and wit a small tear in her eye ran to Stat threw her arms around him and i said i thought you would never ask....but you know you could have just done that asked i would have yes but i like this too.

For the next year the two were never seen apart, Stat would wait outside Verginity's class, just sitting waiting for her to get done with the class, he was at every soft ball game and she even dragged him out to homecoming. And of course Virginity was at every rehersal and studio session, and up front for every show.

Every night in the middle of Stat's bands set he would unplug grab his old ratty acoustic guitar and play Virginity's song a very unusal sight at a hardcore show, and not really apprciated by all the fans except for one.

The young couple had nothing but love fo one and other there was never a fight or even a raised voice. Stat pulled up to Virginity's house one afternoon and range the doorbell Virginity opened the door and all Stat said was "so you think youll go to prom with me" Virginity replied with " of course i will bit i thought you hated those kinds of things" "yea but you love so we will go" and Stat walked away with a huge smile on his face.

Virginity spent weeks looking for the perfect dress when she finaly found one that she thought held par to the night she would have she bough and did not take it out of the packaging till the night of prom.

The night of prom came and Stat got in his car, wearing all black with a gold diamond ring jingling on his D-ring that was attached to his keys because the night for hime was a little bit bigger to him than prom even though they were just two 19 year old kids he felt it was time to ask Virginity to be his wife, so thats what he set out to do. As Stat drove his car down the street to where Virginity lived al he could do was smile, because something had become more important than his music something had become more important than his own life to him and thats what he wanted her to be his life his romance.

Statson pulls up to the curb and turns the car off and steps out, but this time wasnt like every other day when he got out of the car at Virginitys house he felt scared and some what alone in everything around. Stat slowly walked up the porch steps and looke at the fornt door it had been pride open in a panic Stat kicked the door open he looked around the bookcase was on the ground, a camara was sitting next to his foot the lense was cracked there were papers all over the place someone had broken into the house the feeling of panic rose over Stat once again. He ran thorugh the house Screaming Virginity's name, he couldnt breath his eyes started to swell up with tears. Statson ran up the stairs still screaming her name kicked open the door to Virginity's bedroom and stopped dea in his tracks. There she was on the floor with a red stain in the carpet beneath her. Statson dropped to his knees and held her in his arms as he broke into tears, she had been shot once in the side. As Stat sat crying into her chest he heard her voice faintly.

"Stat i jus... i just want you to know..."

Stat replied with"dont talk im gonna go call for help"

Virginity said" no, i was just holding on because i wanted you to know tha...that i love you and i always will."

As Virginity finished those words and kissed Stat one last time she fell limp into Stat's arms, and Stat pulled the ring off his keys and proceeded to slide it on her finger. "The girl that ment more than life it self to me, the girl i was going to marry, the only person who made me feel calm in my own skin. i loved more than anyhting alse she was my life, my love, my romance.

As Stat walked through the halls of his highschool in his cap and gown he could only think of one person that person was virginity. He weas walking to where he would sit and graduate the courtyard of his highschool he played his song for Virginity. As he pushed open the doors to the courtyard he saw that it was lined with roses and over the stage a banner was standing that just said follow your heart.
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