Jul 03, 2004 05:16
I hope this pic could be viewed... this is my hot friend Jorge... one of my crushes hah don't know if I should get into that though. ohh and Pics of Danny are yet to come.
It's been so long since I write in this thing I thought I owe it to my journal and friends to come to date. Well, lately I've been working going to school at night, clubbing,partying, and basically just hanging out trying to enjoy my summer in ne/way possible. I've been having such a blast lately been hanging w/ Danny plenty although to our understandings of each other we're not completly on the same grounds with each other or maybe were just both afraid to speak and be rejected. Well on the other hand just so I don't end hurt I've been Meeting lot's of new guys from which to pick from if all else fails and well new people is always fun and my new motto is I attempt to waste little time.
Hope all of you are having an awesome summer!
much love,