L is for Love Songs, among Other Things

Oct 18, 2010 00:57

1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and link) 5 songs you love that begin with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.

I was given L.

The Smashing Pumpkins - Luna

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It's a love song with a lunar title; pretty and a bit of home. Nothing to complain about.

Leonard Cohen - Light as the Breeze

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The muscle car probably plays this on his sound system. That's all I'm saying about that. Well, and breeze is something of which I know.

Malice Mizer - Le Ciel

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I'm not as much a fan of Japanese music as other Seekers I know, but I like this one. 'Le Ciel' is actually French for 'The Sky', but I gather for Earthlings it might also be a reference to Heaven in their religious sense, as well as to atmosphere and space. It's melancholy, but a pretty song to listen to when flying alone.

Interpol - Leif Erikson

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Leif Erikson was an historical sea voyager, I gather. The title for the song is kinda absurd, but fitting in a way if one considers the lyrical content to be about exploring the depths of both physical and emotional aspects in a relationship. Not saying I've given such thing a lot of thought...but not saying I haven't. Maybe I'd play this song while having a cup of ener-tea.

Cavo - Let it Go

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It's a bit more Rock than most songs I like, but...there are things in my life - from the past - I just need to let go. Trying to have more 'zen' in my life. Reminders: not a bad thing.

tfa slipstream, voice: ic

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