Good idea

Apr 15, 2011 01:04

Greetings,  for all those of you out there who believe they are badly off please remember there are those in Japan who have only just seen their burning houses float away  and a month later have no power, little or no regular access to food water and the internet, and have just kept calm and carried on.

They don't provide a blow-up yurt in this kit, but the items that come with are SPOT ON  and really make a difference.  Did I mention that part of the world is going into winter so there is also snow and ice on the ground as well as place signs sanding with no places left.  Not even ghost towns, some of them just an absence of a thousand years of occupying a spot on the landscape and the humanity that tied it together.

Link to an effective charity here, and a lovely pic of what gets sent to help approx ten adults and a few kids all at once thereby keeping fami;ly/ neighbourhood links intact if you are too lazy to click  follows.  If you donate towards their next whole box to go out to that neck of the woods remember that somewhere out there ordinary quiet people much like yourself are suffering in an ordinary quiet way.

Well bollocks to all that is what I say.  I may be a policeman mysteriously given back his job, with a toast and jam fixation and a really strange set of aunties in Blaenavon and Newport, but I am a humanitarian first last and always.  Give something, and let your world-friendship grow.

shelterbox, hate that thing on tv

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