May 09, 2003 22:32
I had an awesome lj entry, but it deleted it.
Went to Coney with Kaitlyn( aka Chad) and Kayla. Fun times. Except the bitch who told us to be quiet. I ate ketchup. Youre an outsider because...
Kayla ruined prom for some girl. Fuck shit damn fuck fuck shit shit damn fuck shit shit. Hahah.
Went to Kaylas house. Talked. Who will be Uglyman? Kayla! hahah j/k.
Watched videos. Funny. didnt get to see the fat bikini scene though. Chad/Kaitlyn, Id kill you if I had a gun, but I mean that in a nice way.
Listened to slipknot when Chad/Kaitlyn drove me home. Good driver Chad/Kaitlyn!
On Chad/Kaitlyns cell phone w/ Katie...Chad/Kaitlyn: "Im Chad!" "Hello...Im kaitlyn" haha fun times dude.
and now im home, talking online with my good buddies Chad/Kaitlyn and rhiannon. Hi Chad and Rhi! :)
--Frank Mistoffo