Sep 21, 2008 09:46
I am so sorry about my disappearance.
I've been really bummed about my stupid hand being all screwed up. I've had to give up knitting and typing really hurts. I'd love to scrap book the pictures I've been taking but I can't hold scissors. It's a list of misery so I'll try not to drag anyone down.
On the positive side of things, I started my new job and I love it. Well mostly, actually. There are a few things that are a big step away from working at the hospital; namely the fact that he entire floor where I work is a cube farm and it's DEAD SILENT 90% of the day. Seriously, all I hear is keyboards clicking and the corporate job recruiters (in the cubes behind my back) making phone calls to possible candidates. I'm one of only 3 people in my department, not including my 2 supervisors and the VP of National Accounts. There's Danielle who is 25, graduated from Brockport with a degree in something useless like my English Degree, she works part time at Express just for the discount, drives a Honda Civic, and is just as crappy with money as I am. Then there's Tracy. I'm currently sitting in her cube which only has 3 sides (there's no back wall, she's out on maternity leave, she already has one son who graduated kindergarten last year and she just had her 2nd, her cube is devoid of all personalization and she was the only person entering all the National Accounts information until Danielle started back in May. My bosses are pretty cool. There's Gary, typical yuppie from the north towns. Has a wife and one kid who started kindergarten this year. His wife must be a beached blond by the phone calls I overhear (It's impossible not to!), and he takes a passive approach to everything. He kinda reminds me of Steve Carrell's character on The Office. Then there's Justine. She's been with the company 15 years and co manages my department with Gary but oddly NEVER has any idea what's going on. She's super nice and I think she's the one who decided to hire me. She had a laid back but get things done attitude and always smiles and says hello. There's this guy Danielle knows upstairs, he's a programmer of IT, who is going to be Quail Man for Halloween and want's me to be Patty Mayonnaise. HILARIOUS. I really don't have any real friends at work yet. Danielle and I talk all the time but that will probably change when Tracy comes back on the 29th. My cube is next to Tracy's at the end of the row so she'll be between me and Danielle. My cube is different from both Tracy's and Danielle's, too. Danielle and Tracy's cube walls are only about shoulder eight if you sand next to them. This means when you're siting in them you can barely see the top of the person's head next to you. But my cube, "The Fortress of Solitude," has walls that are taller than me when I'm standing and there's actually 4 of them. I said before that Tracy's cube is only 3-sided. This means that she aces a wall that dividers her from the other side of cube and has one on her left and right but behind her is open. My cube has a full left wall, a full wall that I face, a slightly shorter in length wall dividing me from Tracy and a full wall behind me. You get into my cube where the wall next to Tracy is short, it makes a doorway. Pretty pimp, but everyone can ignore me in there because you can't see me. This is both good and bad for obvious reasons.
For now this job will do. I'm working Mon. to Fri. 8AM - 5PM. I get up at 5AM so I'm still a party pooper. But if anyone wants to do anything between 7PM and 10PM I AM SO IN!! Text my phone...I'm still on prepay.