muse it.

Oct 03, 2007 00:05

misery love company, lyric or stylistic
breaking apart the sublime, only to influence
creativity can only grow where shattered hearts decend
if left uncharted, lack of muse kills outer peace
the loss astounds, and leaves one begging for the unkempt.


There, I've written something relavent to my current state of mind. I feel as though someone has taken my skin off with a vegtable peeler. Today some lady got irate with me because her daughter was returning a bottle of perfum and you have to fill out a form for a return. On the form you have to fill out your name, address and your phone number (which we DON'T sell or even use unless the district manager finds a problem with the return) and she refused to put her phone number on the form. I told her nicely that due to corporate polocy we had to have a phone number on the form; her responce "It's private! I never give out my phone number I don't want people calling me!" My answer was, "Ma'am. I'm sorry but I can not change corporate polocy for one customer. I have no influence on how the company does business and I have to do as I'm told. If you would like corporate's 1-800 number I will happily give it to you." She decided this was a good plan of attack instead of taking my advice, "I don't give out MY PHONE NUMBER! *takes replacement merch and storms out of store without exchanging broken item, now has BOTH*" This is obviously stealing, and yes, I got mall security involved. BUHAHAHAHA. I have her phone number now AND she's not allowed in our store or Clare's for 6 months. Friggin dumbasses.
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