Jan 29, 2007 17:52
Classes went pretty well today. It feels good to be back.
Chem was first. Sat in the exact same seat as last semester, next to the same guy, Kyle. It was pretty cool. I have the same professor as last semester, which is awesome, because I really liked her. Did some OWLs a little while ago, and I may go read for that class in a bit, so I can do the rest of the OWLs that are due Thursday.
Writing was next. Really small class. Thirteen people, at the moment. I hope no more come in. The kids seem nice, and the professor seems pretty cool. He's a grad student, and he talks a lot about the most random stuff in the world. It should be fun, even if it is a pointless class. I'm going to have to start keeping a paper journal, but I'll try to keep up with both.
Got grab 'n' go for lunch. I've missed it. And Linda, "The Grab 'n' Go Lady", got SO excited to see me. It was a little pathetic for me, but she's the nicest person ever. And she gave me two cookies. :) Came back to my room for a few to eat and chill.
And then there was Physics... Kyle(from Chem) is in that class, so I sat with him. Two guys on my floor, Eric and Ben, are in that class two. Sam, my chem lab partner from last semester, is in it too, but I didn't see her. It's kind of nice to have people I know that I can ask questions and/or study with. Maybe I'll actually study for once in my life. I'll probably need to. According to the professor, 20% of the class usually fails. Oh joy. He seems like a pretty cool guy, although a bit odd. It should be ok. *shrug*
Went to the Textbook Annex after Physics and got all my books. $320. Oh joy. Now I'm poor. The school is supposed to be giving me money, so hopefully I'll get that soon.
I think that's about all I have to say for now.