Aug 11, 2008 22:49
Everytime I think of living somewhere elsewhere than here I get upset that I won't have bright red walls anymore. I really fucking love my walls. REALLY. I have a few weeks left of this summer. I did a few things .. I worked a lot, i drank a lot. I saw a lot of movies .. my favorite being Step Brothers although if I were a stoner i'd probably have to choose Pineapple Express. I visited Philly a few times. I tried acid for the first time. I got a boyfriend that will rock out to screeching weasel with me. I got my big toe nail stepped off and I read a lot of books, including:
Howl by Ginsberg
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
Ham On Rye
Women - Charles Bukowski
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
Snuff - Chuck Palahniuk
Memoirs of a Beatnik - Diane DiPrima
Eve of Evolution by some woman
Harold and Maude .. I forget who wrote that
Naked Lunch - William S. Burroughs
Smashed -
A Long Way Down - Nick Hornby
I started a bunch of books including Subterraneans by Kerouac which is the shortest book ever, but I can never seem to finish it. and In defense of food, Reality Sandwhiches, Weasels In a Box, etc.
I move back to school in less than two weeks. Whatta drag.