WII... free with TP and all..

Nov 25, 2006 02:01

SQUEE!!!!! I still can't quite believe it!!!

::huggles:: it, ::petsis:: it...   ♥

I really wasn't planning on gettin one for quite a while since there sold out everywhere and basically impossible to get, but  it just kinda fell into my lap. How could I possibly resist??

During Thanksgiving dinner last night we somehow got onto the subject of the new consoles that just came out and my brother was like "Oh yah, I've seen the "Ewe", or "We" one, or whatever it's called..." He started to tell me that his friend just acquired one from somewhere and wanted to sell it... Needless to say I jumped on it, and found out that the guy was even selling it for less than retail.. QUAAA you say?? Well, since this is my brother (you'd understand if you knew him) I didn't really question it very much and just asked him to get it for me.

So I went back to my parents today to give my nephew his B-day present and pick it up, and as I was going though it I noticed there was no game in. GEH!!! I was like where's my "Sports Game"??

So out of instinct I plugged it in and turned it on to see if it was still in the console. I hit eject fully expecting nada, but I would have been happy if the "Sports Game" popped out. To my surprise, out came "Twilight Princess"...


Talk about bonus.. It's only the game I bought the thing for in the first place...


Sadly I must finish FFXII first though before I even start thinking about TP. Thats ok though cause believe it or not I'm almost done. Right now I'm ~ 68 hours in, and only have  a few new areas to visit. I give it another 20 or so hours to level up a bit more, finish some more marks, try a sidequest, and then partake in the final bits of glory..

Speaking of FFXII... I ♥ Balthier!!
.. I like Bash about equally as much though!!

Vaan is soo Cloud reincarnate. Albeit a bit tamer, but he's definitely Cloud none the less..
.. Go Emo boy.. Go!!!

That's all for now, I actually have lots of stuff to say, but time is against me.. ;;

nephew, ffxii, tp, wii

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