It's all about movies..

Jul 10, 2006 12:18

I rarely get to go see movies in the theater nowadays since I usually have nobody to go with, but this weekend was different. In fact, it was pretty much dedicated to movies and it definitely didn't disappoint. To start off my weekend, I woke up bright and early Saturday morning (ok, it was 11, but I was up till ~4 so it was early to me),
arora_kayd came over and we all had breakfast real quick. After breakfast, Holi, Geratt, & I got ready, and headed over to the theater to go watch Superman.. YAY!! ... FINALLY!!!!

Since we went to the Matinee showing, the place was pretty dead so we just bought our tickets and went right on in. We sat through the previews which didn't have anything really new or exciting with the exception of Spiderman 3, but we had all seen the trailer for it before. During the opening sequence of the movie I looked over and cracked up because Holi was sitting there shaking uncontrollably in her seat . Hehe, I think she was just a little bit excited!! She has a *slight* crush Brandon Routh (Superman) at the moment since he's pretty hot (even I admit it). All in all it was really good, Kevin Spacey did an excelent job as Lex, the effects were nicely done and not over the top, and the whole story was extremely well thought out. I had forgot that Kal Penn was in it and as soon as he turned up on the tiny little ship the first thing I though of was "It's Kumar, Hee!!" and pictured him sailing towards Amsterdam". I can definitly see why Bryan Singer opted to direct this instead of X3, and it showed. At one point I thought they might actually kill him off which I know, that just doesn't happen, but this is Bryan Singer people, and if anyone would it would definitely be him. They also incorporated tons of trivia bits here and there into the movie which really makes me want to see it again though..

Later that night, we watched the original PoTC to get all psyched up for tomorrow. Now I don't actually need any excuses to watch it since Johny Depp is just brilliant in that (well everything actually) and because it's still probably one of my most favoritist movies, but it just seemed like the appropriate thing to do. I stayed up for a bit after that to get in some light reading and then went to bed.

So it's finally Sunday, the day I had been waiting for all week.. PoTC: Dead Man's Chest.. *squee*, am soo excited!!!

Holi, Geratt,
arora_kayd, & I all piled into the car and headed over to the theater. Thankfully we made it there in one peice since Holi was driving like an insane mad woman! I got out of the car, checked my extremities, and sighed a bit of releif. Since it was opening weekend and all, we got there about an hour early but the place was totally dead. We hung out front chatting for a bit to kill some time, then went in, played a quick game, got our nummies and proceeded into the theater. w00t, was the big one too!!

OMG, I am soo in love with this movie now. It was just AWESHOME!!! There was just soo many little things that made me *squee* that I don't even know where to begin. For one, it was a lot longer than I expected but I'm definitely not complaining since it had about the right amount of lul time and action. It was definitely a lot more on the darker side than the original, but I really liked that since it's fits the whole lore of that era. Johny Deep's performance was just amazing in this, I can't even remember how many times I cracked up. The whole "Help Me" bit on the cannibal island was hilarious, and I loved the compass bits pointing out his desires (bad Captain Jack, you can't have Elizabeth). I'm surprised nobody caught the part with Barbosa's feet hanging out from the bed in the Voodo Priestess lady's house, especially after "monkey Jack" ran straight back there, but thats ok. He finally made his appearance later on though which sent Kris into a momentary fit when he finally got to eat his apple!!

*sobs* they killed the Black Perl.. nuooo, how could they?? I just hope they somehow bring it back with Captain Jack in the 3rd one because I'd be heart broken if it was finito..

Other than that, it was a pretty quiet weekend. I spent almost all the rest of my free time reading Warchild. I'm up to [Part 3], Jos is 14 now, has gone though all his training,  and just woke up on Niko's ship again as he heads back out to space. I'm soo bad though, I keep seeing all these slashy references in perfectly innocent parts now, like when Niko enters his room at night, or the ceremonial dressing scene, etc. *gasp* What have I become?? ::hangs head:: I definitely see why you guys like it so much though.. ^_^

I also had my first evar fic written for me by
angels_curse. It was very shiny indeed!! it even had some Hitchhikers references, and a bit of slash too. I feel special now, YAY's!!!

Mkay, think thats it for now. Will be back if I think of anything else..

holi, geratt, potc:dmc, potc, superman, warchild, kris

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