Feb 02, 2015 22:35
I like that he let me buy his bagel without arguing about the genders of paying. I like that he helped me clean off my car. I like that he likes bright eyes. I like that he wipes me off even though I'm gross and don't care. I like that he has good people for friends. I like that I'm close with a lot of the same people he's close with. I like that he knows I'm a little promiscuous and it doesn't seem to bother him. I like that he sat with me in the bathroom when I was sick. I like touching him. It's become a hobby of mine. I like the way I feel anxious before I text him because maybe I'm suffocating him but he doesn't make me feel that way. I like feeling intense and being excited. The butterfly feeling I thought I was too old for. I like that it feels familiar. I like that the first time we had sex he wrote down his number and said "please call me later," repeatedly. I like that he doesn't let me leave. I liked when he put my bow on my drink when I left it with him while I peed. The only thing I don't like is how he treats wrong cat. I like the leading up to us hooking up the first night, him telling me about his dream where we were watching the world end and me telling him "well if I had to watch the world end with someone...." Him: really? Me: yeah. Then sitting at the bar buying each other shots, him caressing my arm, asking who my tattoo is and who invited him. Ha. I like that I didn't have to babysit him at the party where he knew no one but me, but he didn't make me feel unwanted or weird. I like that Joey likes him. I like that he went out of his way to talk to Joey. I like that when Joey walked into dingos and saw Dave dancing to "too many puppies," he immediately shoved him and started dancing with him. I like that we can spend 4 days in a row together. I like winning 7 games of beer pong in a row with him. I'm so glad that it never worked out with anyone else. Even Tim. Never thought I'd say that ever. My eyes get bigger when I'm with him and even just when I think about him sometimes. Oof.