Big long recap and excitement summary.

Jun 10, 2010 22:37

Summer is nice. I love seeing people all the time and working a lot and saving money for crazy etravegant getaways. There are so many fun and exciting things coming up, and I'm sure many more that are of yet unplanned. After 6 months, A&P is finally becoming bearable, so that's really helping with the whole enjoying summer thing. These are some things I can't wait for:

Alexa's tomorrow
Jim's grad party Sat-Sun
Camping/ 3 year manniversary June 29-July 1
John's birthday August 4
Bahamas or whatever we can afford approximately August 9
Cassandra's 21st August 20 and Seaside for the week
More & more & more double dates, random outings, parties, happy things
I'm even looking forward to going back to school kinda, but I can wait. :]

I sneakily got my grades even though I have a hold because I haven't paid the semester in full yet. SEE!:

Emily Dickinson- A
Electronic Lit- A
Sociology- A
Earth Science- B
Communications- B+

Needless to say, this is really exciting to me. 3.66 is a little better than 1.8 something. I love you Kean, you are so good to me. :]

I should be getting my obnoxious car window fixed tomorrow for the low low price of a can of iced tea and a pack of cigarettes. It will be lovely. Death to duct tape.

I can't wait to go camping, and dance and drink and eat s'mores with my baby. Three years sounds like such a long unimaginable time in a way, but it's all been so happy. I am incredibly happy with him. He makes me smile and laugh all the time, and is so supportive and caring and of course he's a cutie. Sometimes I wish he'd stop insisting I'm a muffin, but I guess I just can't have it all.

I love hanging out with John, Nicole and Nick so much. I feel like this will be the case for a long time coming. It's nice to witness cuteness blossoming, even if that makes me a dork.

I've been eating healthy-ish and I'm proud of myself. Today I decided I would go craaaaazy and spend $13 pampering myself on cosmetics (yes, this is crazy for me.) I'm kind of feeling like a girl lately, and it's nice and weird at the same time. More nice than weird though. I can get used to it.

Basically, I'm in a really good place. You can probably tell because I'm capitalizing and gloating about my happiness. Please excuse the gushing emotions. I just think it's about time to get it all down.


By the way, I feel like everyone needs to re-familiarize themselves with the Sunscreen Song. It may contain some of the most intelligent advice known to man. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Remember when I was 16?

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