Mar 16, 2005 15:28
hey yall! what's up? i hope you had a better day than i did! i had one of them gosh darn STOOPID days! you know.. those days where everything goes wrong?.. well, i don't feel like telling you everything that happened to me today.. because it would just put YoU in a bad mood too, so i'm just gonna fill out this little thing & you can learn a little about me that MaYbE you didn't know!!
1. First best friend: the farest ( is that a word?! ) i can remember is JaSmInE wHiTwOrTh
2. First boyfriend: TaYlOr BeLl
3. First kiss (even just a peck): TaYlOr BeLl
4. First screen name: MsKTbugg92 ( my daddy picked it out.. l0l )
5. First self-purchased album: BrItNeY sPeArS.. the first one!
6. First pet: DoG - b.b. ( l0l.. I picked out the name! i was like 6 and i thought it was the BEST name in the world! )
7. First piercing: EaRs
8. Last food consumed: OnE oF tHoSe MiNi SnIcKeRs ThInGs!
9. Last crush: ThE sAmE oNe I hAvE NOW!
10. Last phone call: KeNt.. (tear).. he hardly ever calls me since he moved!
11. Last time showered: ThIs MoRnInG
12. Last shoes worn: PiNk/BlAcK oLd-ScHoOl VaNs
13. Last item bought: uhhh.. today i bought lemonade at lunch.. is that an item??!!
14. Last annoyance: ChRiStIan
15. Last time scolded: 6th PeRiOd!
1. Who is your best friend?: LoBsTeR lOrIn! haha.. ( insider..)
2. Do you have a boyfriend?: NoPe!
3. If not, do you have a crush?: do i ever NOT have a crush?
4. If so, WHO IS IT??!!: l0l.. i dont usually do this, but i'll give you ONE hint!.. me and lorin's "SeCrEt" name for one of his best friends is BOSTON
1. Where is your favorite place to shop? AmErIcAn EaGlE
2. Any tattoos or piercing? just EaRs
1. Do you do drugs? nope
2. What kind of shampoo do you use? Sauve..Green apple!
3. What are you listening to right now? ReLiEnT k CD that billy got me
4. Where do you want to get married? i dont KNOW!
5. How many buddies are online? 19
1. Color: PiNk/BlAcK
2. Food: BrOwNiEs
3. Subject in school: .....PE?.....
4. Animal: HmMmMm - flamingoes r kind of cool..
1. Given anyone a bath? haha.. naw!
2. Bungee jumped? ..the little one at 6 flags!
3. Skinny-dipped? nope
4. Been in love? not shure
5. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? i cant remember, but i probably have done it before!
6. Fallen for your best male friend? ....yeah
7.Been rejected? yea
8.Rejected someone?: yea
9.Used someone? nope
10. Done something you regret?. . . yea - definetely!