hey yall! let me tell you.. i felt extra-dum this morning! i had to fill out my lunch account envelope thing and i put "feb.29" as the date! well, i went to 1st period, and my teacher always has the date on the board.. well, it said "march 1" so i told her it was actually the 29th of Feb! well, she just looked at me and laughed.. and then pamela told me theres only 28 days in February! why didnt anyone ever tell me that before?? i think i've went my whole life thinking theres 30 or 31 days in Feb.. just like the rest of the months! or does some other month only have 28 days too?? somebody needs to tell me these things! l0l.. well, today i adopted a frog. no.. it isnt real! bryan threw it at me and so i decided to keep it. it meows instead of making whatever sound frogs make and it changes colors.. but you hafta watch real close! l0l.. everybody met it today & billy put it in his mouth. hahaha! hes sooooooo.. i dont know.. RaNdOm! thats a good word for him! well, anyways, shelby g., the queen of the universe, had this quiz in her greatest journal, so i decided to take it! heres what i got..
Ehh...Most people love you - but then there's others who hate everyone - but don't worry - they're more than likely just jealous of you - just keep acting the way you do and eventually they're bound to leave you alone - or realize that there is no real reason not to love you =)
How Many People Hate You?
well, on the subject of HaTiNg PeOpLe.. i dont think i really, truly, HATE anyone, but i do hate the way alot of people act! some people r such losers sometimes, ya kno? 2faced chicks r taking over the WoRlD!!!! l0l.. but its okay! it took me awhile to ReAlLy UnDeRsTaNd that you cant make everyone like you. no matter how hard you try, theres always someone there who is jealous or you.. or just wants to make your life suck! you have to worry about what kind of person YoU are.. the rest will just take care of itself!
ok.. lets move onto a LiGhTeR sUbJeCt! i have a question! its probably a dum one, but i really do wanna kno! ok.. me and bob were born in florida.. so why dont i have that natural, florida person tan? i mean, billy was born in florida, and look how dark complected he is! its not fair!! WeLl, ThIs WaS a LoNg EnTrY.. aNd I sTiLl HaVe MoRe To TeLl YoU, bUt I gUeSs I'lL kEeP iT tO mYsElF! l0l.. i love yoo! ((kAtIe))