[OOC] RPG Notes

Feb 02, 2007 15:49

These are taken from the RPG Sourcebook for Serenity. All the parts with quotation marks are supposedly Mal talking about the character in his own words. If we get more crew (and I hope we do!) I'll update this post approrpiately.


"Wash often tells those that care (and those that don't) how he was raised on a planet that was so polluted he never saw the stars. Only black he saw came belching out of a smokestack. He says he turned space pilot for one reason and that was to breathe clean air. Given that space is a vacuum... Well, Wash thinks it's funny.

"He came to me with the reputation for being one of the best damn pilots in the 'Verse and I will say for him that he has more than lived up to that high claim. Which is the main reason I overlook such things as his taste in wearin' apparel, that tends to run to the garish and bright-colored, and his toys -- namely dinosaurs -- that have frequent rows on top of the control panel.

"Wash can fly anything that's space worthy and more than a few things that ain't. He can land this ship on a pocket handkerchief, should you care to set one down here on the bar. He can make Serenity give him more than she'll give anyone else, 'cept maybe me.

"Wash is a man I can count on to stay with the ship when Jayne and Zoe and me are out on a job. I know staying behind ain't easy for him. I know he worries about his wife considerable.

"I also know that Wash'll be where I need him to be when I need him to be there. And that's not nothin'."

Traits (RPG mechanic stuff)
- Born Behind the Wheel
- Lightweight
- Sharp Sense (eyesight)
- Talented: Pilot

Weapons & Equipment:
Wash doesn't normally carry a gun. He's typically dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers. His billfold contains an Alliance 5 credit note and his shirt pocket holds a pack of cinnamon-flavored chewing gum.


"I can see you expressing some astonishment that we had a registered Companion on board Serenity. She wasn't a member of the crew, as such. Inara rented one of the ship's shuttles, not that you'd've recognized it for a proper shuttle, what with the fancy rugs and the velvet pillows, gold-gilt trappings and silk sheets. The business arrangement worked out fine for both of us. Her rent money helped keep Serenity flyin', while being aboard meant she could travel from planet to planet, where she met and entertained high-class, high-payin' clientele.

"Did I mention she was a whore?

Inara helped me in other ways, two, though not what you're thinkin'. She made it a rule to never service the crew. There are some planets that wouldn't let Serenity land without her credentials smoothing our way. For that reason, I called her the Ambassador (call her other names less polite when I want to rile her. And I do take considerable pleasure in riling her!).

"I have to say, though, that Inara is a puzzle to me. Why would a beautiful Companion, who was, as I've heard rumored, on her way to becoming a High Priestess in the Guilt House on Sihnon, choose to fly the black with lowlife such as ourselves? Why would a woman of her beauty and brains and talents, who could be sitting in the lap of some rich client dining on strawberries and cream, choose instead to eat canned protein at our table? Not to mention her life being endangered on more than one occasion when one of our jobs got a bit out of hand.

"Why would she? Fact is, she wouldn't. Wouldn't choose to be with us, that is. The Ambassador left us for good and all, so she says. Gone to train more little high-class whores. The crew misses her. A few more than others. Kaylee almost forgets how to be cheerful. Almost."

Friends in High Places
Highly Educated
Registered Companion

Weapons and Equipment:
Hair Pin - While Inara doesn't carry a weapon as such, she sometimes wears an ornate hair pin that can be used as a dagger when necessary.
Bolt Thrower - Inara owns and is proficient with a bolt-thrower, a newtech weapon that uses the same skill and discipline of a bow but fires with nearly the force of a bullet.


"I don't mind saying I took against the young doctor from the very start. Maybe it was the way he dressed -- all wealthified -- or the way he talked -- all educated. Or maybe it was the fact he chose Serenity as his ticket off Persephone. Though the ship looks fine to me, others tend to see her as sort of beat-up and disreputable. Not exactly the type of luxury cruiser I would guess the young doctor is accustomed to flying.

"I was suspicious of him from the start and I took considerable less to Simon Tam when I discovered that he landed me in mine in a world of trouble by smuggling his certifiable loony-bin sister on board my ship.

"Here's the doc's story, as he told it to us. If it's a little vague, I don't press him for the fine details. When you're wadin' hip deep through cow mi xian gon, you're not much interested in the color of the cow.

"Simon Tam was one of the lucky ones. He was born to money and brought up with his sister, River, on the wealthy core planet of Osiris. Highly intelligent, Simon waltzed through medical school and, at a young age, was on the road to being one of the most respected and admired (and well-paid) surgeons at one of the most prestigious hospitals in Capital City.

"Simon was smart, but his little sister, River, was a hundred times smarter. There wasn't anything she couldn't do, from dancing to theoretical physics. Lookin' for an education program to challenge her, she went off to some high-powered Academy run by the Alliance. All was fine at first, and then Simon started receivin' letters that made no sense. On closer inspection, however, he discovered they were written in code. River told him that people were hurting her and she had to escape.

"Simon had money and he had influence and he spent both liberally to help free River. She was cyrogenically frozen and shipped to Persephone--a place you go when you don't want to face a lot of questions, such as 'what do you have in that large box, sir?'

"Turns out, sadly, that the Alliance wants his sister back. They want her back so bad that they're not only offering good money for her, they've papered the 'Verse with wanted posters on these two. Now I don't mind makin' trouble for myself, 'cause I generally get paid for it. I do mind others makin' trouble for me."

"I've been tempted more than once to let Simon and his sister take a stroll in space without benefit of suits, but, I'll say one thing for him, the young doc is good at his job. And since our means of earning a living leads to a certain amount of scrapes and bruises, not to mention gunshots to the belly and the occasional knifing, I have decided to keep him on board. It's fair to say some of us might not be here to breathe the air if it weren't for the young doctor.

"So far, he's earned a place on my crew. Not sayin' that'll last. But so far..."

- Deadly Enemy
- Easy mark
- Highly Educated
- Loyal
- Steady Calm
- Talented: Medical Expertise

Weapons & Equipment:
Simon does not generally carry weapons of any kind, unless one counts the scalpel in his Doctor's Bag. He wears the clothes he took with him from his previous life, which are the style of the upper class on Osiris. (This, sad to say, makes him often stand out on the border and outer planets.) While he was once a wealthy doctor, he now has only 25 Alliance credit notes left of his previous fortune, and usually spends his earnings as the resident medic of Serenity.

ooc, info

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