And the years keep adding

Sep 13, 2004 23:43

Heres another entry on how much i hate school. I dont understand y i am going to do it for another 5+ years...Shit dude isnt 12 years enough what more can you learn. i can honestly say that everything i think i will ever need to know i learned every year until 3rd grade. Most people would say kindergarded but shit i couldnt multipy or divide in kindergarden. See i figure my father is a pretty succesfull man and he told me that all i need to know is adding subtracting multiply and divide. of course theres the english stuff but once you are in 3rd grade you know all the english you will ever need. I also think that i have lost more and more knowledge as i get older i mean i used to know how to share and take turns and shit now im like fuck you its mine or hey my turn now not later. I think that the government made so much damn school so they have something to do with us troublesome teens until we are "mature" incase you didnt know i really dont like school and yet i decide to go to pima for a year before going to a real college. I dont understand myself sometimes, i could go to a real school and get this out of the way but no. if anyone knows what i am doing please tell me because school is really getting to me about now. Maybe its yearbook i think my main problem with going to school is the fact that i have to deal with yearbook everyday its such bull shit. Just another way for me to spend more damn time at school. instead of leaving with everyone else at 2:45 i have decided to stay till 5 every day what the fuck is wrong with me. i dont know who controls my thoughts but is sure as hell isnt me. But hey my last day could be monday it depends on how all the events unfold this week. I dont want yearbook to end i used to really enjoy it now im all stressed and stuff. I want to think that it will all get better but it probably wont so fuck it. I think i am done. i will have entirely too much free time i dont know what i will do with myself. my conclusion on school is that everything after third grade should be like grad school and there should be nothing past middle school. All i know is that half the bullshit i am learning right now i will never even think about again in my entire life. like who the hell needs to know about short stories from africa. if i was going to be a teacher yes but i sure as hell am not going to do that...although that would extend the time i am at school which seems to be the choices i make anyway. i dont know. im not normal. High school is just one long naptime
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