For those who don't know, My room is done! =D Painted, new floors everything... Well.. there are some shelves that need to go up, and a mirror to be put up, and new artwork for the walls... BUT STILL I am finally in the room! It just took since the beginning of 2008! xD
Yes there are pictures, and a lot...xD So Enjoy. To give you a bit of persepcetive on how big of change this is, I have included some photos of the room though very messy before I left it. xD I know, it's totally gross, ~_~ and oh so grey. >_>
Okay, so you know what it looked like, I thought I'd show what it looked like after I finished painting, then when the new floor was put down. The new floor is sexy ;___; it makes me so happy.
AND NOW WITH ALL MY JUNK IT IN... cept the shelves and the mirrors and stuff ;__; Oh and a drawing desk, which will go under the window next to the tv area, just so you know. xD
Sorry bout the terrible quality picture, but eh. And yes, my CDs are on the windowsill, but they will go on the shelves xD once they are up, which should be tomorrow or something, they will be above the stereo. I swear everything in the bookshelves are stuffed in, ~_~ not enough space, there are layers upon layers of crap. But oh well. xD
Yep, so That's my room. Still needs a bit of work, but there is just so much space now xD I love it. I'm sitting on the big chair, using the exercise ball as a foot rest feeling really good about this room. >_> But the tv looks smaller in this room xD mwahahaha.
Anyway, that's it. Toodles - Timaley