Oct 26, 2004 13:41
So far this week I've managed to get my journalisum work completed. I've still got to wright a script. Write an analysis of the terminator, scene tech noir 1000-1500 words. Do a essay on the target audience of the magazine Cosmpoliton using relevent examples. Should be able to do this by monday :)
Broke up with Ben was suprisingly easy. He took it really well. Too well if you ask me. I dont want to come off as a bitch I didnt want to hurt him its not as if I wanted to leave him broken harted or an empty shell of a man. but is it too much to think that the person who has told you for 8 1/2 months that they love you should give you some kind of emotion when you brake up. I think he said something like 'Okay then.' or 'Alright.'
We are still going to be friends. Probably see him on Saturday night, off to Beckys b-day party and she has invited me and ben (same invitation).
Halloween on Sunday. :P decided Ill go as a Punk Rock Princess. Ive bought a pink tiara, its fluffy and sparkaly.