Hi everyone, it's been awhile I suppose.

Jun 09, 2011 01:59

Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well.

It is me, Sarah. So, I guess you could say life was going really well for awhile, and I was happy. I recently went through a semi-depressive breaking point. I guess as my therapist says "it's hard to fully be comfortable in a place of being healthy for a long time, if you haven't ever really been there before." It's another sleepless night in Northern CA. I got a girlfriend, well my best friend asked me if she could be my girlfriend. I happily accepted since I've loved her since we became friends. It's just been pretty rough for me these past couple of weeks, I had to cut some ties with people in my life who weren't exactly benefitting me being healthy(I bet that sounds really selfish and mean).  Needless to say, it wasn't an easy thing to do...since I had to basically say good bye to my best guy friend of nearly 3 years. I've been struggling a lot with having the positive attitude and outlook on life that I had a month ago, and with my depressive state of mind comes with the triggers of wanting to self-harm, and relapse into my eating disorder. Oh the joys of being a teen. :/ Anyways, I made a community(not sure about how the mods feel about promoting them...hopefully they'll be okay with it.) Anyways, I made a community to try and get us (or anyone really) who's struggling with a hard time in life or whatever to be more positive. It's a community where you post things throughout the day or night that made you happy. You can post one thing, or even a list of 100 things(if that were the case). I just find for me,(and maybe other people out there too?) that when I'm really depressed, it can help to write down little things throughout the day that brought me a bit of joy, or made me a bit happier or feel better...or some positive emotion. I don't know if my community is a good idea or not, I hope it is. I just thought it would be useful, because many people have said, to change your mindset from positive to negative is, for every negative thought you think of three positive thoughts. Link to my community:the-smalljoys.livejournal.com/ . Sorry there aren't any posts currently(and by the time you all read this there will probably be a few from me.) It's my first ever community, and I'm not expecting it to get huge, but I just thought it'd be a cool idea if maybe some of you joined and I got to read little things throughout the day that made you happy.

I hope you're all doing well, or okay at least. Sorry that my post is a bit scatter brained and boring. I've been quite out of it lately.

Take care of yourselves and stay strong. One day at a time.


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