I came to an observation, I
like complaining, I am very good at it and it makes me feel great afterward!
So obviously this is another complaint.
(1) I got a 79 on the
chemistry test which I need a 100 on to get an A, so now I need a 100 on the
final to pull an A-
(2) I am fucking sick from
getting kicked out of my bed that night which is bullshit because Rites of
Springs is going on right now and I can't drink nor smoke because I can't be
worse when finals start…responsibility is such nonsense
This is by far the worst
of them all! It started with talking to Nick about how Whitney looked
like Jena Malone and when looked something up, he came to this horror.
It's so inconceivably vulgar and blasphemes that its sole
existence paralyzed my mind, ripped into my heart and severed threw my
The best analogy that I can possibly think of for this would be "fire
cracker is to atomic bomb as shitting on the bible is to 'this' ". The
creator of this deserves a fait much worse than that of death…so here
it is…
Natalie Portman's face with Johnny Depp's facial hair
WTF!!!! When I first saw this crap, I seriously
thought that it was that fag Johnny Depp, but then I took a closer look
and realized, it was actually the most eautiful woman in the world that
I was looking at!!! How the fuck can the two of those fucker look so
damn similar! If someone looked like the picture above walked right
pass me, I would have never know that it was a girl! Compare that to
this :
Look at her! The bastard that defaced of something
so gorgeous should burn in hell in all eternity next to Hitler and
Stalin! I can seriously on about this for hours, but I will stop.
After three bad, I do have one potential good news,
I got all of shit to UF and they all went to the right offices! It
might have taken a month, but it's done! So unless those fucks decides
to deny me of admission, I will be going to UF for summer and I will
emphasize this once again, I can't wait to see my spicie friends! and
whitney my darling, the king coming to dethrone the queen!