May 06, 2004 21:37
yeah i found another quiz...haha and i am it fuckers..and comment.
-my name is: Tyler.
-nicknames: Ty?
-sex: male i thinkg...hold on...let me check...yep...male!
-birthday: December 5th
-color: orange
-star sign: i don't know?
-chinese sign: i think i am a monkey
-place of birth: NY
-current residence: Roscoe, NY
-hair color: i don't know...dirty blonde?
-eye color: hazal
-height: 5 foot something.
-writing hand: Right
-do you bite your nails: no
-can you roll your tongue: no
-can you blow smoke rings: sure can.
-can you blow spit bubbles: fucking yeah.
-can you cross your eyes: yea.
-tattoos and where: not yet.
-what’s sexiest on a guy: bout nothing.
-what’s sexiest on a girl: lips.
-do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: twirl
-what utensils do you use eating pizza: hands...unless really hot.
-do you cook: i am a master chef...ask kel!
-how often do you brush your teeth: usually before school and before bed...and sometimes before i go out or do something.
-do you shower/bathe: sometimes.
-how long do these showers last: 15 minutes...unless i have time then i just let the water run on me forever.
-hair drying method: towel.
-do you swear: fuck.
-do you pee in the shower: no...i pee before i get in.
-what color is your bedroom: wood.
-do you use an alarm clock: no
-name four things or people you're obsessed with: kelly, computer, sleep and food.
-What’s your sleeping position: depends on my mood or how hot or cold it is.
-in hot weather do you use a blanket: sometimes...with a fan blowing on me.
-do you sleepwalk: i dont know.
-do you talk in your sleep: people tell me i do...i believe it.
-how about the light on: no...unless i pass out.
had sex: a long time?
watched bambi: when i was a little tike.
cried: last night?
talked on the phone: 5 minutes ago.
read a book: i haven't really read a whole book since like the 5th grade.
is music important to you: most is life.
do you sing: i try.
what instruments do you play: guitar.
what do you think of Eminem: wangster
pop music: no
rock music: ehhh some, maybe.
punk music: yeah.
rap music: not really.
hip-hop/RB: no.
country: sometimes.
classical: nah.
new age- eh.
hardcore: fucking right.
indie rock: of course.
emo: most definately.
What do you notice first? lips.
Do you have a crush on anyone? kel?
Easiest to talk to: kel or danielle.
Could you live without the computer?: fucking no.
What’s your favorite fruit? raspberries, strawberries, or kiwi
What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: both.
Trust others way too easily?: i try not to.
Of times you have had your heart broken? uhhh...not sure.
Of hearts you have broken? god...i have no clue
Of girls kissed? uhh...a couple...maybe a lot.
Of boys kissed? hah one?
Of drugs taken illegally? a lot.
Of tight friends? 2 maybe 3.
Of CD's owned? not to is where its at.
Of scars on my body? 3.
I know: everything...haha i dont know.
I want: a couple things.
I have: a couple things.
I wish: i had the things i wanted.
I hate: most people.
I fear: snakes and clowns.
I hear: music.
I ache: heartache.
I care: about people that care about me.
I always: am eating.
I dance: when im happy.
I cry: when i am sad.
I write: my emotions.
I confuse: a lot of people.
I can usually be found: can never find me..i am sneaky.
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: maybe?
-ARE YOU A...-
Wuss: nah.
Gang member: nope
Daydreamer: yea.
Alcoholic: some people tell me i am.
Freak: yes.
Brat: sometimes.
Sarcastic: all the time.
Angel: hah.
Evil: yes.
Friend: to some people.
Shy: sometimes.
Adventurous: yea.
Intelligent: maybe?
Your best feature [personality]: nah.
Most annoying thing you do: i don't know.
Biggest mistake you've made this far: lying.
Describe your personality in one word: crazy.
A smell that makes you smile: no smell...
A city you'd like to visit: umm...i don't know.
A drink you order most often: orange soda?
The music you prefer while alone: whatever the mood is.
A TV show you watch regularly: the OC.
You live in: a house.