New semester! o0o0o0o0o0o0o

Feb 12, 2005 23:27

So since rickie ordered me 2 update, i figured its time 2 ne ways w/ my new classes and all.

So my schedule i thought was gonna b perfect until i got my jess john rickie dave dre and steve all hav B lunch and i had a so i ate in the fucking band room by myself til wednesday when i dropped band, took choir 4th hr and now pre calc 6th hour. Im glad b cuz i hated band but now i hav 2 sing by myself. My pre calc class sucked but my new 1 has rickie and amanda in it, so im happy bout that. My 1st hour is my favorite b cuz i sit by john and steve and we fuck around all hour, its gonna suck when senora has her baby.

I dont remember what i did last weekend but im guessing i hung out w steve dre and dave on friday, worked on sat in the a.m. and sunday at nite, and hung out w kim and jess on sat like usual...

This week went by pretty slow except thursday and friday b cuz i had band things...friday in ap spanish had an interesting convo w visey senora and erin hah. Went 2 the assembly as a normal kid who didnt hav 2 play in band and sat w rickie dre and steve and had sum good laughs.

Friday...I hung out w/ steve dre and dave and dave ,ade me mad and i wont explain it cuz its dumb ne ways. Just lets say that they kept driving by, calling and then jess picked me up. Went home then picked up jess and we sat in johns driveway 4 almost an hour and a half talking w him cuz hes grounded, had sum pretty HARD conversation lol, 2 disturbing. Then dropped off crappy jess then went 2 meijers w steve dave and dre 4 an hour.

Saturday got up relaxed then went out w rickie dave steve and dre. We went 2 the mall and target good times, specially getting made fun of how dumb i am and dave saying innappropriate things, o well. Went home about 5 and went back out w jess and kim 2 the mall, steak and shake, 711 and david t's house 4 operatiogn get jess laid lol. We ran in2 erica and ben at the mall which was kewl, i never see the girl ne more. Tmrws gonna suck cuz i hav hw and work so ttyl.

Oh...and happy fucking valentines day!!!! :( I hate the holiday

Also, no mean posts of puking pumpkins please, great now ill get 1

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