So much for updating every day with art, especially since I don't have the internet. Brittney and I are settling into our new place well. It's been almost a month and now we are getting a chance to really decorate.
With a few days off this week and some convenient schedule match ups we've been going crazy cleaning and making things and eating real dinner.
here's whats up
this is the bookshelf we love so much. we painted the back wall of it green.
chairs we bought from goodwill and painted with paint leftovers.
a wall in our living room
i drew mustaches and framed them for the stair case
i traced our silhouettes and pasted them onto fancy paper and framed those
and brittney's parents came for dinner and we set that up real nice, too
still some more work to do on the staches, i'll post it. and theres lot of other projects in the works.