First and foremost...
blazerwolf You know I love you sugar muffin... meet you in the bathroom after class XP (yes you get art too I swear!)
Seriously man I'm glad you're here to celebrate your birthday, I'm glad I know you.
In other news
They caught the guy that robbed the store in Marietta, murdering the store manager in the process.. Yeah... he was found playing video games, not to mention a crack-head.
What... The... Fuck....
People, they're just video games.. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.
The fact that someone had to die because you were bored really pisses me off.
I was calle to go in and fill out paperwork at the school. Considering when they called me I was already passed out from the previous weekend with the extended shifts and what not, I didn't remember the time and came in 45 minutes late.
I have my presence announced and get a sharp look from the secretary saying, "You were supposed to be here at 11." Now I didn't remember any of this, I was exhausted at the time.
So this lady wearing a practically skin-tight turtle neck sweater with her hair in a bun tied ever so tigtly emerges from the maze of cubicles and starts at me,
"You were told to be here at 11 AM sharp! When I say you to be here you are either here early or on time! I run a very tight shift around here and I expect everything to work like clockwork.
I just simply offer a smile, and nod my head apologetically and am then escorted to the conference room to take care of paperwork. This was stuff I had already done and let her know about it on the spot. Not firm or anything but I told her. She went and checked HR and found that my paperwork was already there being processed. I had also apologized for being late and let her know about the situation at Gamestop.
She not only apologized for having me come out so early and for the situation at Gamestop, but also for yelling me.
make no mistake I totallyunderstand her position and would be extremely angry too if someone came into my workplace 45 minutes late without notification, I was however extremely greatful for the understanding.
It was an interesting experience to have office workers not try to sit there and say they were right but actually sit and admit they were wrong. It made me a little happier on the inside.
Well this about wraps it up for my entry here. Now for some informitive links
Current commission status Deviant art FA And the two Lilo and Stitch communities i'm part of
For LJ and for DA lata!